Belt unbuckled

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Carl's POV:

I lay beside her, her mousy brown hair shaped around her head and her eyes closed. She gives off soft breaths of air through her delicate pale skinned nose. I reach my hand to her face letting her rosy cheeks touch my cold, worn out hands. I pushed a small strand of her hair backwards, looping it around her ear. She was as delicate as a roses petal and a soft a silk.

 Her soft moans told me of her awakening. She moved her body, making the sheets move with her. Soon she opened her eyes, letting me see her hazel orbs that contrasted her porcelain face. "Morning." I croaked letting her tilt her head towards mine.

"Morning." She replied, her voice soft and pleasing. "Best sleep I've had in months." She smiled.

"Me too, I've missed this." I said, sneaking my hand around her waist, touching the small of her back gently. "Missed what?" She asked

"Waking up to you're perfect smile." I commented. She giggled at my phrase, showing me her now reddened cheeks. "You're so cheesy." She whispered. I pulled her closer to me, letting her nose touch the tip of mine. He eyes widened with shock. I pressed my lips to hers, pulling away just to she her relaxed face. She bit her lip slightly and fluttered her eyelashes with excitement. "I love you." She said. I replied "I love you too Ash."

I sat down on the couch waiting for Ash to get ready. I wore the clothes I have been wearing since the last growth spurt. Skinny black jeans and a long sleeved grey top and over that a blue coat. My hat perched on the top of my head and my gun sat in my holster. Light footsteps were heard as tiny arms wrapped around the back of me and kissing my jaw line. "I see you're ready." I moaned slightly, as she tugged on my ear. She pulled away and stood in front of me. "Yeah." She spoke.

I pushed up off the couch and leaned towards her as did she. I kissed her gently, already she was asking for entrance which I allowed. I deepened the kiss, pulling the back of her neck with my hand. He hands travelled to my hair as she moaned softly. I smiled through the kiss. My hands travelled to her back and under her shirt. We continued sharing this valuable moment until sounds filled our ears. Ash pulled away in fright, showing me her worried face.

I held my hand on my gun and the other around Ash. I looked to her and back to the front door. "Stay here, I'll be back now." I said letting go of her.

"No, Carl wait." She spoke as if a frightened deer. I stopped turning to her.

"Just stay here, I'll be back soon." I said rushing to the door. I looked back to her and gave her a reassuring nod. "Stay safe." I said before leaving through the door. I clasped my gun in my hands and turned the corner looking for any danger. I walked around the corner scoping out the area around the house we were staying in. The streets were silent and small breeze filling the warm air. "Hello." was something different I heard after I got a clock to the head knocking me out flat.

I came out of conscience, my vision blurry and my hands bound. I heard the gasping for breaths and screams. My vision finally became clear. I looked forwards seeing a man, but his back was turned to me. He was facing someone else. Ash!

"Get away from her." I croaked, seeing him turn to face me. I could see Ash. He hair was mangled and messy. Blood was dried upon her forehead and her eye was blue from bruising. Her cheeks were red and tear stained. "Woken up finally." the man commented. 

"Carl." Ash called out, innocently.

"Shut you pretty little face." he snapped turning to her and slapping her face, creating a red hand mark. "Don't you touch her, you monster." I growled. He looked to me his eyes filled anger.

"Watch your tone boy, or it wont be just her face I'll hurt." He laughed. I clenched my fists, making my knuckles white. He turned back to her. "Now where were we." He said to Ash. I could hear the clashing of his buckle on his belt. He pulled it from around his trousers and threw it to the floor behind him, touching my feet. I looked down at the belt and widening my eyes realising what he was about to do. Her cries filled the air. "Carl." She whimpered.

"Shut it, or this will be harder than it needs to be." He spat. I looked down at the belt and lifted it up with my feet. I grabbed it with my hand and started to scratch the duct tape away from my hands. I got my right hand out and started on my left. He began to bring his trousers down to his feet. He began to kiss her down her neck. This then made me kick off. My left hand was finally free. I jumped up. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" I shouted, lifting the chair I was sat in. He turned and faced me, getting the chair leg in his face and knocking him out. His body was lifeless and laid awkwardly across the room. I threw the chair to the floor, not caring where it would land.

 I ran to Ash and knelt before her. She was crying as if a waterfall. "Baby it's okay, I'm here it's okay." I cooed, taking away her bounds. Her bottom lip quivered and eyes squeezed out watery tears of fright. I pulled her body to mine, hugging her tightly. She buried her head in my top and cried. "It's okay, it's okay." I reassured her, rubbing her back. She looked up at me and kissed me gently. Her cries soon stopped and she pulled away. She was scared still, but I would never let anyone touch her again.

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