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A/N: Thanks for asking me to write another request. ron_carl

"Hey you must be Amaya."
It was a deep voice, but soft. I turned seeing a young boy, quite tall and skinny with light brown hair and a slight sprinkle of freakles across his face. "I'm Ron, my Mom said its good to make friends." I was speechless, an actual teenage boy, I don't know if its just my hormones kicking in for the first time or that this boy is hot. I shook my head snapping out of my trance. "Your mother is wise." What the hell am I saying, now I've made a foul of myself. I looked around trying to not look like an idiot in front of this amazing human being. "Yeah, I guess."
"Hey are there any other teenagers around here?" I said quickly changing the subject. "Um yeah, theres me, Mikey my best friend, Enid and Carl, but I'd stay away from him he aint the best type of people around here." He said as we walked to god knows where, but I didn't care where this beautiful boy took me, omg snap out of it. "What's wrong with this Carl kid then?"
"Well we had a new group in a while back and Carl's Dad was their leader he was always picking a fight with my Dad about my Mom and I guess things got pretty bad and then.....he killed my Dad and now everyone
....." he soon trailed off about this Carl kid. I was soon distracted by someone. He was a tall boy with long brown hair, his eyes starring down at us and pertched on his head was a sherrifs hat. "Hey Amaya lets go." Ron said pulling at my arm making heat rise. "Is that him?" I asked
"Yeah, lets go."
"Wait." I said i was stunned by him why of all times are my hormoes all over the place, where did all these amazing people come from. "Amaya he isn't the sort of person to bother with lets go."

A few weeks had passed and I've been wanting to get away from things,my brother seems to be settiling in well with Rons brother and me and Ron and close, but I have a feeling that getting closer to him might be a good thing. So I took time to think out in the woods.

Twigs snapped behind me and I knew someone had been following me for a while. I kept walking. "You don't have to keep following." I said stopping
"Why are you following me? Its Carl isn't it."
"You knew this whole time?"
"You aint excatly quite." I said turning around meeting his bright blue eyes.
"Why are you following me?"
"You shouldn't be out here alone." He said. Why does he care?
"I'd stay away I know everything, Ron told me everything." I said stepping towards him. Why am I stepping closer? I'm having that same feeling as I have when I'm around Ron. "You shouldn't listen to him, he knows nothing."
"How can I trust you?"
"Your standing pretty close." He pointed out. "Your not moving."
"No." He answered. "It feels good." He said. His hand moved towards the edge of my t-shirt. "Your not scared?"
"Good. We better head back before someone notices."

Its been a few weeks and I've been spending time with Carl behind Rons back. But it felt so good spending time with both of them. My heart is torn. I want both of them how the hell is anything gonna happen if my feelings are torn. "Hey Amaya." I turned meeting eyes with Ron. Oh god his eyes. "Yeah."
"I wanna talk if thats okay?"
"Yeah okay."
Ron took me to the bench by the lake. "Ive been thinking of how to tell you about this about feelings." I nodded listening to him. " and I just want to say, what I'm trying to say is, I think I"m in love with you." Those word came out of his mouth as if slow motion. My heart filled with god knows what. He closed his eyes moving his head towards me. I don't know if I'm ready for this. "Ron.." his lips cut me off, before I could react someone did for me. Carl.
"What the hell man!" Ron shouted, pushing at Carls chest. "Guys calm down!" I shouted.
"Stay outta this Amaya." Ron shouted at me. "Don't shout at her!" Carl yelled back. "Please just stop fighting! Ron!! Carl!!" Tears were forming. Why did this have to happen the two people I care about most are fightening. I knelt in the soft ground and put my head in my hands. "Carl, Ron please." I wheeped. They soon stopped. "Amaya?" Ron said
"I can't do this Ron, I do love you, but its hard when you love someone else as well." I said looking over at Carl.
"I love you both so much, but if I'm gonna make it, it can't be like this. I would never be able to choose between you two, but this is how it is, just leave me, forget about me."
"Amaya?" The both called out.
"No I love you guys, but I can never make a decision, I will always love you guys."

I found this so hard to write, jesus the whole love triangle was ao hard to write, sorry if its not what you wanted it to be, but I hope you like it.

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