Alexandria part two

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Carls POV:

I was sitting in the new house that Dianna had given us and I was playing with Judith. She was growing up so fast, but she was growing up in the wrong type of world. I went to put Judith to rest in her room which was in the same room as My Dad's as he was asleep in there. I went back to where I was sitting and looked out the window. It was that girl again she was walking by my house and started to climb the wall. She's got guts. I thought to myself. I went closer to the window watching her climb over the top of wall. A smile was let out in the corner of my mouth.

I decided I should follow her just in case she gets in trouble. I went towards the gates and out of them. I closed them tight behind me. Then I just caught a glimpse of her again I followed her into the forest. She began to run and I followed her quick in my step and quietly as I could so that she didn't hear me.

I stopped in a part of the forest because I had just lost her. I couldn't anything until she spoke. "Carl I know your following me"

"You knew" I said to her surprised.

"You're very loud" she said proving her point as I walked closer to her voice making the leaves and sticks crack beneath me. I sighed in defeat. "And to be honest you scare me."

"You shouldn't come out here alone....two people just died" I said concerned.

"Oh come on" She sighed stepping out in front of me. "People will always die you know that" She said to me making me look dumb. I just shock it off. "What do you even do out here?" I asked her she looked at me as if she was thinking. "Same thing as you" She said I was confused until she started to run away. I ran after he not even thinking about it. She smiled when she ran as did I. Suddenly she pulled her arm out in front of me stopping me from going any further. she walked up behind a tree and pulled a kitchen timer from her bag and turned it and throw it through the air landing in front of a walker. It began to ring and it brought the walker closer to us. I was getting a little nervous for us but it was ok because she started to run again. We stopped by a fallen tree and caught our breath.

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