Mean Love

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I walked out of my cell in the prison to see everyone at the table eating. "Hey Y/N" Patrick said waving at you to come and sit by him. You and Patrick were best friends ever since Woodbury started. This new group that you've now joined killed your old leader, but you were glad because you knew he was a horrible person. You went to go sit by Patrick and Carol, one of the group members gave you a plate of eggs and bacon. "Thanks looks good" You said sending her a smile. She smiled at you back. "Are you gonna come story time today Carol is going to read Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets" He said with excitement. "You don't want to go to story time that's for kids" Came a voice from behind me. It was Carl, he was the group leaders son. I liked him too but I always felt wired around him, but I didn't really like how he treated the new people from Woodbury. Including me and Patrick. "I don't care I'm going to go" I said looking at Patrick.

"Bunch of babies" He said to us walking off laughing whilst shoving food into his mouth. As he began to walk away I pushed my foot out making his fall on the floor and dropping his plate of food. "oh no did a baby just trip you up" I said as smiling at him. He gave me a horrible look and got up and got in my face. "Bitch" he said. As he said hat I grabbed his arm and wrapped it round his back and pushing him up against the table. Then Rick cam in. "What are you two doing" Rick asked laughing a bit.

"showing Carl how to get tackled" I said pushing his arm up tighter.

"Carl come on you should be better than that" Rick said shaking his head and laughing, whilst walking away. I let Carl go once his Dad had left. "Are you coming Patrick?" I asked laughing at Carl.

After story time had finished I went out into the court yard and picked up my gun and three glass bottles. I placed them on a wooden block. I stepped backwards and put the silencer on an began to shot. I kept missing, my shooting was getting worse. I shot a it again missing. "For gods sake" I spoke to myself. "stand one foot in front of the other and take a deep breath before shooting" a voice came from behind me. I did as they said and still missed. The person came from behind me and grabbed my waist with their hands and rested their head on my shoulder looking down my arm and putting their hand on mine helping me hold hen gun. "Take a deep breath" He said and I did. "Open both eyes" He said. I did that too. "And shoot" I shot and the bullet flew straight into the bottle smashing it to pieces. The mysterious male was still placed holding me. I turned around slowly looking into the eyes of my helper. It was Carl. My breath became heavier with shock. I looked into his eyes, his deep sea blue eyes. "Thank you" I said trying to push myself away from him, but he didn't let me. "Carl what are you doing?" I said frustrated from trying to get from his grip.

"Something I was trying to do before you tackled me earlier." He held me tight and leaned into me his eyes slowly closed and he kissed me. I didn't stop him, I kissed him back. We shared that moment for  while. We broke the kiss. "And why did you want to do that to me?" I asked him waiting for his response. "Because I love you" He said not even hesitating which made me believe him more.

"Really?" I asked. "But what about all those times you were mean to me?"

"Its called flirting" He said leaning in for another kiss. I was way better than the first it made my stomach fly and the danger of this world seem to go away for that one moment. We broke the kiss again. "What does this mean then?" Carl asked me knowing the answer.

"You know what it means stupid" I said to him. "I can tackle you when ever I like" I said laughing whilst indulged in another one of our kisses. 

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