Out of breath

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"Carl, Carl." You shout staggering into the prison's work office holding a rucksack full of food and supplies. The hall ways were covered in file cabinets and papers. "Carl are you there?" you ask shouting. You walk around the corner. "Carl!!" You shout even louder this time. You stop as you see Carl come from around the corner. "Y/N, what's wrong? I heard gun shots." 

"It's fine I was just checking up on you, you haven't had to do anything?" You ask concerned.

"No everyone is fine, but what about the gun shots?" He asked walking closer to you.

"Don't come any closer I could have it and it's just people turning." You say trying not to make it look too bad. "Y/N, are you ok?" He asks.

You answer "I'm fine."

"Then I can come and hug you." He said running to me and wrapping his arms around you tightly. You laugh at his smartness and hugged him back. You pull out of the hug and pull the bag off your back. "This is full of food and supplies that you can give the kids and yourself." You say passing it to him. He took the bag and put it on his one shoulder. He cupped his hands around your face. "I've missed you." He says kissing you on the forehead.

"Me too." You say enjoying the moment of peace and Carl. He broke the kiss and looked into your eyes. "Stay safe." He says to you as you begin to walk away.

"Always am." You answered smiling at him. You tuned the corner and out the door.

Next day:

"Maggie come help me put wood up against the fences." You say walking over to her. "It'll keep you mind from worrying about Glenn." 

"Ok" she answers with no tone in her voice. We chopped at the wood and placed them up against the fence to try to stop the walkers from coming in. Then More sounds of gun shots. "Maggie go" You say thinking of Glenn and Hershel. "Go!!! Its fine I can do this." you say as she begins to run towards the prison entrance. You run back to where Carl is. You run into the offices. "Carl, Carl!!" You shout. He comes around the corner running. "What's up?" He asks.

"I need your help with something come on." You say  with urgency in your voice. You both run towards the fence where the walkers are building up on. "Help me put these up?" You ask while beginning to lift a long log. He grabs the end and helps you place it against the fence. "It's nice to be out of that office." He says trying to make conversation.

"Well I knew you wanted to help with somethin'." You say looking at him and smiling. He began to kick the log into the ground to act like a force to push the fence back. CRACK, SNAP. The logs on the other side of him began to give way as more walkers pushed on the fence. They all started to break and before we knew it the fence fell and walkers began to storm through. "Run Carl!!" You shout running up the hill towards a brown rusted door. Carl trips over one of the logs and fell, he stumbled backwards and kicks one of the walkers away from him. You pull your gun out shooting as many as you could so that Carl could get to his feet. "COME ON CARL!!!" You shouted as he got to his feet. You grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the door. We got in and slammed the door behind us, locking it. We came out the other side breathing heavily. The walkers pushed and rattled the weak part of the fence and began tugging it down. "Take this I said giving Carl a M4A1 Machine gun and you also grabbed out yourself one. "Carl you shoot or you run got it?" you say to him. He nods at you and loads it. We waited until the walkers pushed through the fence then we started to shoot. We hit them left, right and centre, right in the head. They fell down quickly. You both toke a step back to reload. Your hands were shaking so much you struggled and one walker came close to you, you then hit it in the head with the end of your gun and then another came at you causing you to fall with it on top of you. You push it's head away from your face. Then a bullet went through it's head. It gets pulled off of you by Carl. He held his hand out and you grab it. "Thanks." You say.

"No problem." He says, throwing you another set of ammo and you then successfully load it shooting down the rest of the walkers down. "Y/N you bit?" He asks.

"No I'm fine." You answer walking over to him and hugging him. " Thanks for saving my life I owe you." You say looking up to him. His blue eyes looking down at you as he was taller then you. "Any time and maybe you could do this one thing for me that I've been wanting to do." He says, biting his lip and smirking flirtishly. "And what's that?" You ask wrapping your arms around his neck and letting him place his arms around your waist. "This." He says, kissing you, making you feel the butterflies you feel the first time you kissed. It felt like tiny, perfect sparks between you. You smiled as you both pulled away opening your eyes slowly. "I've been waiting for that too." You say walking away with him griping your waist and you resting your head on his shoulders. "You know you have to go back to that office" you say winding him up knowing he hated it there. 

"Yeh I know, but lets just enjoy this moment." He says kissing me on my head and pulling me closer to him whilst we walked.                                               

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