Hit and love

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Carl hasn't really been the same since Lori died. He's been having mini brake downs and shouting matches with his Dad. I know he's feeling hurt and misery anyone would, but I have a feeling he's going to end up doing something stupid.

I lay on my bed reading my book that Michonne found on a run. Alice in wonderland. Childish, but I love it. My Mum used to read it to me when I was little. I remember her trying to use different voices for the different characters and It never seemed to go well, but they always made me laugh. I turned the page and started the next page. Next thing I hear was Carl and Rick shouting at each other again. I slot my book mark in my book (a piece of old paper) and put it down beside me getting up and walking towards the shouting noises. "Dad you can't keep me here." Carl shouted putting his gun in his holster. "Carl, I don't want you going out there all mad and angry, you might do something stupid." Rick shouted back.

"I can take care of myself." Carl shouted back. I walked towards them trying to stop it like I normally ended up doing. "Carl why don't you come with me." I said looking at the two of them. Carl turned and glared at me. "Stop taking his side, your always taking his side." He shouted at me.

"I'm not taking anyone's side I just want you to stop all the shouting your doing for no reason." I said walking closer to him. He didn't answer, but huffed and walked towards the door. "Carl you walk out that door and your not going on the next three runs." Rick shouted making Carl walk faster.

"I'll go after him." I said to Rick who nodded. I ran after him and into the cafeteria. "Carl stop please." I said, I could hear feet shuffling behind me seeing the whole thing. "Leave me alone." He yelled walking still. I didn't do what he said and grabbed at his shoulder. "Carl stop-" I was cut off by his fist hitting the side of my face. I hit the ground with a thump. I heard muffled voices and shuffling of feet. I looked up to see a frightened Carl and then watching him run away. "Raven are you ok?" People asked me looking and waiting for my response. I don't say anything I just held my hand on the red and burning side of my face and looked in the direction Carl run in.

I was sat in Hurshel's cell holding a wet, cold cloth over my face and waiting for it to die down. "Hey hows the face?" Said a voice it was Daryl.

"Oh I don't know, I don't really care about that right now I want to see Carl, I'm worried for him because he would never dream of doing something like that." I said setting the cloth to the side and standing up. "I haven't seen him since the incident, but I'm sure he'll be ok he's a toughie." Daryl said putting one hand on my shoulder and leaving. I walked out of the cell in search for Carl. I know he hit me, but I still love him. I walked out of the prison and into the forest. I carried my knife and bow with three arrows. I walked through the forest following a pair of tracks, they were defiantly human because animals don't have size ten feet and walkers don't have perfect working, walking feet.

I followed the tracks until it came to a edge of a small hill. I looked over it seeing walkers scrambling around a few knocked over rocks. Then I noticed it Carl's hat under the walkers feet. "Carl!!" I shouted "CARL!!!" I shouted then noticing the walkers looking to me and trying to get to me. I lifted my bow and shot them down with my reaming arrows. They were all dead. "Carl!" I yelled sliding gently down the slippery slope. I landed by the rocks, picking up his hat. "Carl!" I called again. I turned around seeing him sitting over the edge of a hill looking into the water trickling by. I walked over to him, sitting down next to him. I rest my hand over his not saying anything. I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Love you." I say. Not actually regretting telling him the truth. He turns his head to look at me , but doesn't look to me. "After all this you love me." He said now looking up to me. "Yes." I say smiling at bit.

He raises his hand to my face. "I did that." He said stroking the side of my face which was now a dark purple. "Yes." I said looking down making his hand leave the side of my face. I winced in pain. "But I know you didn't mean to do it." I said snatching his hand back and bringing it back to my face. He looked at me in shock. "I'm just full of pain and anger and now I'm full of sadness. It's eating me alive Raven and I can't do anything about it." He said turning to me a little more.

"What makes you feel happy?" I asked him. He looked at me funny and then thought about it.

"Knowing that I have a sister, knowing that my Mom is somewhere better and...you." He said ducking his head away looking embarrassed. I could see his red blushing cheeks from a mile off. "Then if those things make you happy you keep them and you cherish them." I said now holding his hand. He looked at me and leaned in hugging me tightly. "I said you make me happy and you told me to cherish you." He said pulling from the hug.

"Yes." I said. I looked to his face seeing his cheeks deepen a red colour. He leaned in grabbing the back of my neck and pulled me into him. He kissed me. I felt like I was cherished. I loved him and now I knew he loved me. We pulled out from our kiss. "Your mine." were his final words.

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