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Jongin's POV

Luhan answers the phone and leaves it in the hands of a teary eyed Mei. I swear if there wasn't a screen separating us right now, I'd hug her as tight as I could until I saw a smile on her face. "Jongin..." she says in a hushed whimper. "What's the matter Mei?" I frown "he told you 'only you can figure this out' what does that mean? What can only you figure out?". She stares at me for a second and then she finally opens her mouth again. "I-I... Okay... Don't freak out" she says. "Why would I—" I start but she cuts me off.

"I know, I told you I'm in a new relationship" she says "and I know I told you I'm happy. But guess what. I lied..." she tells me. "Lied about what?" I ask "about being in a new relationship?". But why would she lie about that? Was she trying to make me jealous? She knows I still love her, doesn't she? "Why would you lie about being in a new relationship when you know I—" she cuts me off again. "About being happy! Jongin... I lied about being happy". Why wouldn't she be happy? I thought she moved on. She should be happy, all I've ever wanted is for her to be happy. "Y-you're not happy...?" I ask with a frown "why not? What's the matter? Is he hurting you? Oh if he is I'll give him a piece of my mind just you wait". Now I'm starting to get angry. I will murder this Tengfei guy if I find out he's laid a single hand on her in any harmful way.

"No Jongin, he's not hurting me" she shakes her head. "In fact... he's actually very good to me. And that's why I feel so bad saying that... that... I still love you, Jongin". My jaw drops and I stare at her wide eyed for a moment. "Y-you still... love me?". "That's such a dumb question Jongin" she says with a slight laugh "how could you expect me not to? We were together for two years. We didn't break up by choice. And I think the only reason I decided to go out with Tengfei was because I... I was lonely. Lonely and lost without you. I needed something to fill the void. But then I realized that the only person who could do that, was you...". I stare wide eyed once again, lost for words. I finally collect myself and speak.

"Mei, we need to talk about this face to face" I tell her. "We are face to face" she says with a laugh. "You know what I mean. Face to face without a screen in between" I laugh too, happy to see her smiling again. "Tell you what, the boys and I are waiting here in the airport terminal for you and your brother to come pick us up. We can talk about it when you get here" I say. She nods and hangs up the FaceTime call.

Mei's POV

"Did you work things out with Kai?" Luhan asks me in the car, snapping me out of my train of thought. "What? Uh, yeah. Yeah I did. It's all good now" I nod and shrug. "That's great!" he smiles cheerfully "I'm so glad!". I nod again. Later we pull into the airport and find Jongin and the boys waiting for us in the terminal.

A chorus of "hey"s and "hi"s and a "yo" from Sehun erupt for the crowd of boys. I give each of the boys a hug and stop when I get to Jongin, whom I had saved for last. I hug him, tighter than the others, and longer too. "I missed you" he smiles, giving me a gentle kiss on the top of my head. "I missed you too" I smile. Wow, this is a lot less awkward then I expected it would be. Surprisingly, it's like nothing ever happened.

"Here boys, let me bring your bags to the car" I say with a cheerful smile. "Oh you don't have to do that! We'll handle it" Chanyeol says. "No I insist!" I say. "You guys have always been too nice, so now it's my turn to return the favor". "Oh alright" Chanyeol laughs "you win". "I'll be taking that" I grin in victory and snatch his bag from his hand. Chanyeol and I always had this really close relationship, he's like a second big brother to me. He sticks his tongue out and I giggle. I grab a few more of the boys' bags, as many as I can carry, and start heading for the car.

As I start to walk away I hear Jongin shout after me "wait! Let me help you!". It takes me a second, but then I catch on. He wanted to talk face to face. I nod "alright, come on" I hand him a few bags and we head to the car together. Once we get to the car, I start loading the bags into the trunk. I turn around to grab one of the ones in Jongin's hand, and he snatches my hand in his. "Mei" he says, turning me to face him. "I still love you too".

Before I have the chance to process what's happening, his arms are around my waist, and he captures my lips with his. My eyes widen, but only for a moment. Soon my arms find their way around his neck and my eyes slip closed, and I kiss him back. And there we are. Kissing in the parking lot of the airport. As if no time had been lost. And in that moment, Tengfei is forgotten. It's all just Jongin.

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