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Mei's POV:

Not hearing anymore yelling from my room, I assume Chanyeol and Jongin have calmed down. I make my way up the stairs and softly press my ear to the door. I don't hear anything, not a peep from either of them. That can be either a good thing, or a bad thing. Either they worked things out, or they murdered each other. I softly knock on the door, I know, it's my bedroom I shouldn't have to knock, but I'd better get used to it if I'm going to be sharing it with three boys for a month. I get no answer. Maybe they didn't hear me. I sigh and give up on knocking, softly pushing the door open. I have absolutely no idea to react to the sight I'm greeted by upon opening the door. To call it a shock would be a huge understatement. Jongin is sitting in Chanyeol's lap, in a position similar to the one Chanyeol and I were in when Jongin said we were 'cuddling'. Jongin's face is buried in Chanyeol's shoulder while Chanyeol's fingers softly comb their way through Jongin's soft, mud brown hair.

I feel like if I don't say anything, they won't even notice I'm here. After all, they were too caught up in each other to even notice that I knocked on the door. I clear my throat to get their attention. "Mei?!" they exclaim in unison, both staring up at me with eyes as wide as saucers. "How long have you been there?" Chanyeol asks, while Jongin quickly scrambles out of his lap. "Long enough to have quite a few questions" I say with a raised eyebrow. "What the hell is going on?". The two of them share a quick glance before returning their gazes to me. "We have a lot of explaining to do... Mei sit down" Chanyeol leads me to my bed like a dog leading his blind owner across the street. "Chanyeol I don't need a seeing eye dog, I can get to the bed myself" I tease. Even in the middle of this confusing, strange and somewhat shocking situation, I still know how to be a pain in the ass. He rolls his eyes as he and Jongin sit down on either side of me. I feel like a child whose parents are sitting down to explain why they're getting a divorce. This situation is uncomfortable, and I strongly dislike it.

"Spare me all the long details, just cut to the chase. What the hell did I just witness?" I demand to know, trying to get out of this awkward position as quickly as possible. "Well I hate to break it to you Mei but, there's no way to explain without all the long details" Chanyeol says, causing me to huff in frustration. "Fine, then make it as quick as possible" I sigh, shifting uncomfortably in my place on the bed. "Where do we start?" Chanyeol glances at Jongin who simply states "from the beginning". Chanyeol scowls at him for a moment "smartass" he mumbles. "You two can argue like an old married couple on your own time! Someone please just tell me what the fuck is going on!" I demand, regaining their attention. "Now," I say in a slightly calmer and gentler tone. "Start from the beginning and tell me everything".

"Well, when you left Kai had a bit of a mental breakdown" Chanyeol begins, glancing at the aforementioned boy who is intently staring at his shoes as if they're the most interesting thing in the world. "He told me that he had given up pursuing you, because he didn't want to hurt you anymore. He kept trying to convince me that he was a terrible person, and I had to explain to him that he isn't the bad guy. Romantic attraction cannot be fought". "Right, and how did that lead to— whatever it was that I just saw?" I ask. "I'm getting there, don't interrupt!" Chanyeol scolds, then picks up where he left off. "Now, in the process of comforting him, I held his face in my hands, just to look him in the eye. But things escalated very quickly, and suddenly we were kissing...". "And neither of us protested..." Jongin adds. "In fact, we both... really liked it". He doesn't look up when he speaks, but rather just continues staring at his shoes.

"From there, I think we both had the same epiphany" Chanyeol says. "And what would that be?" I raise an eyebrow and stare at him expectantly. "Our pursuit of you was simply our way of trying to deny our feelings for each other" Jongin explains. "Because at the time, we didn't know we liked each other that way— and even when we came to terms with it, neither of us knew if the other would feel the same way". Chanyeol nods in agreement. "So that means you're both done pursuing me?" I ask, looking from one to the other in confusion. "Y-yeah, I think it does" Jongin says quietly. I suppose that make me feel a bit better, now I don't have to choose between the two of them anymore. It lifts a small bit of the burden off my shoulders. My only problem now, is how am I supposed to rid myself of the feelings I still have for them? I'm going to have to move on all over again...   

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