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Jongin's POV

I honestly feel like a sorry excuse for a human being. I can't believe I've put Mei in a situation like this. She's the one person I promised I would never hurt, and now look what I've done. Despite the fact that she won't stop trying to assure me that her situation comes through no fault of my own, I still can't help but feel guilty.

Maybe it's not Mei I'm worried about. After all, she seems dead set on us getting back together. I wouldn't mind that, I really wouldn't it's just... maybe somewhere deep down I actually care a bit for this Tengfei guy. I mean, I've never met him, but that doesn't matter. He made Mei happy during the time that I was gone, which means I have to appreciate the guy a little bit.

"Jongin. Hey, Jongin". Mei snaps me out of my thoughts, quite literally, by snapping her fingers in front of my face. "You okay?". I nod and stare at my feet as if they've suddenly become the most interesting thing in the world. "Y-yeah I'm fine. Just... thinking" I sigh. "Hey, let's head back to the fellas, yeah?" she smiles and takes my hand in hers, skipping back towards the terminal cheerfully, as if our current situation had just been washed right over her head.

"Hey! There you guys are" Sehun grins cheerfully. "You left us high and dry" Kyungsoo laughs, "it doesn't take THAT long to put luggage in a car, does it?". "How long have we been out there?" Mei asks. "Well let's see, we've been here for about an hour, and you've spent about forty minutes of that time out there doing God knows what" Kyungsoo says in a very authoritative tone.

Mei's POV

Forty minutes?! Were we really out there for that long? Wow... I guess time just kind of slipped away from us. I mean, for me it felt like we weren't out there that long, but of course that was because I was so caught up in Jongin. Just his presence alone is enough to make me forget every rational thought and feeling in my body.

"Sorry" we both bow politely, simultaneously. I turn my head to look at him as if to wordlessly express the awkwardness of the situation. And he appears to feel the same way, because the expression on his face when he looks at me is almost a perfect reflection of my own. "So, what were  you two doing out there?" Chanyeol raises an eyebrow as if to make an implication that Jongin and I may have... well let's just say 'fooled around' . "You pervert!" I slap his arm. "What, it's an honest question!" he says with defeated pout.

"First of all, how could we have done something like that in forty minutes? I don't know from experience, but I can only imagine that if you're doing it right it would be very time consuming". At that statement, laughter erupts from the crowd of boys surrounding me. "God you're all perverts" I sigh and shake my head, then return to my previous point. "And second of all, if we were to do anything like that, the last place it would be is in the parking lot of an airport. WHERE EVERYONE CAN SEE US!". "Okay okay I get your point. No need to yell" Chanyeol sighs. "I'm sorry I asked". I slap his arm again lightly. "You're an idiot Yeollie" I shake my head and laugh. "But that's why you love me!" he grins triumphantly. "Yes Chanyeol, that's why I love you". God, sometimes I wonder how I ended up with a best friend like him.

His gaze is then directed downwards. "You two are holding hands" he points out, as if it wasn't obvious. "Yes, very good observation Sherlock. Did Watson help you with that one or did you make this discovery all your own?" I joke. "For your information, I discovered that all on my own" he plays along, then sticks out his tongue. "I'd make a great detective and you know it". "Nah probably not. But you would make a pretty good right hand man for Captain Obvious" Sehun laughs, causing the rest of us to laugh along with him.

"Hey, why don't we get going?" Luhan laughs. "Unless you guys wanna spend your entire visit in the airport terminal. Even though I don't see how that's very eventful". We all nod and head to the car. Everyone piles in and we start the noisy and rambunctious ride back to mine and Luhan's house. Man, this next month is going to be really eventful. And really LOUD! 

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