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Luhan's POV

"What's taking them so long?" Chanyeol asks, staring at me as if I knew. This causes the other boys to stare at me too. "I don't know" I say "but I'll go find out. You boys stay right here, understood?" I tell them sternly. They all nod. They're usually behaved, but sometimes they act like children and get too rambunctious.

I head outside to the car and my eyes widen at the sight in front of me. Mei and Kai are standing in front of the trunk, in the middle of the parking lot, making out. I wouldn't mind so much if it weren't for the fact that my sister HAS a boyfriend already. Although, now that I think about it, I shouldn't have been so blind.

After all, the signs have been in front of me the whole time. My sister isn't happy. My sister is still in love with Kai. I should've known all that before she told me anything. But that's not the problem now. Well, in a sense it is. Kind of. The problem now is who will Mei end up with? I shouldn't worry so much because it's not MY problem. But I do worry about Mei's problems, because I want to be someone she knows she can come to when she has them. Sure, I'm her older brother, but I'm here for more than just a little bit of teasing now and again.

Alright, so back to the problem at hand. I know she's probably going to be mad at me for it later, but I have to stop them. So, I make my presence known. "Mei! Kai!" I shout to them "what are you two doing? That doesn't look like putting the bags in the car". They both freeze where they are and quickly pull away from each other, then they go about putting the bags in the car as if I hadn't just witnessed the two of them making out in an airport parking lot. They carry on as if what I had just watched them do was totally normal.

Mei's POV:

I almost scream when I hear Luhan shout at us. Almost. But instead I just quickly pull away from Jongin and continue putting the bags in the car in order to keep my back turned to Luhan and my bright red face hidden from his view. Jongin apparently has the same idea, as he continues loading bags into the car as well. I decide it would be best NOT to talk to Luhan about this right now, so I ignore him. "Mei, you have to at least... talk to him about it" Jongin says suddenly "he is your brother after all. All he wants to do is help you". I sigh, knowing he's right. "I'll be right back" I say and reluctantly head in Luhan's direction.

"Mei! What was that? What were you doing?? What about Tengfei? Why would you-" Luhan starts to ramble but I cut him off. "I don't know what came over me okay?" I sigh. "It's just... Jongin he... He kissed me and told me he loved me, then every rational thought in my head was gone. Don't you understand Hannie, haven't you ever been in love?" I ask him. "I love Jongin, Luhan. I have always loved him. I don't know how to break it to Tengfei... I really don't. But why would I let go of this chance now that I finally have it? I have the chance to be with Jongin again, that's all I've ever wanted".

 Luhan sighs. "I know..." he mumbles "I'm sorry for interfering...". "Hmm?" I look up at him. "Listen mister, no one can hear you when you mumble. All I hear is 'mumble mumble mumble'. I'd like to hear some wooooords!" I giggle, trying to make him smile. He sighs again, but speaks up this time. "I'm sorry for interfering" he says.

"I just thought I could be helpful but... I'm not very much help am I? Here I am sitting here worrying about your relationship with Tengfei when I don't give a damn who you're with as long as you're happy. And with Kai, you're clearly happy. I've been blind to that this whole time" he says. "I feel like an idiot". "You're not an idiot Hannie" I tell him gently. "You just care a little too much sometimes. But that's better than not caring at all. Come here". I open my arms for a hug. He complies and I hug him tightly.

"Don't worry about it so much dage, I'll figure this out okay? I'm smarter than I look!" I smile. He nods and ruffles my hair. "I know. You've got a great brain in there" he taps the side of my head. I stick my tongue out at him and laugh. "You know something Hannie?" I ask. "Hmm?" he looks at me. "You're the greatest big brother a girl could ever hope to have".

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