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Mei's POV

"So, let's go over rooming arrangements" Luhan says on as we drive to the house on the road that seems to never end. It didn't feel this long on the way here. But maybe that's because on the way here, I wasn't sitting awkwardly in Jongin's lap while still contemplating how to... how should I put this nicely? How to ditch Tengfei for Jongin. That wasn't very nice, oh well. It's the truth.

"HEY!" Luhan shouts over all the noisy boys to get their attention. A chorus of "what?" and "huh?" sounds throughout the car. "If you didn't hear me the first time," Luhan says "we're going over rooming arrangements. I'm thinking since there's nine of you, we can split you into threes. Three of you can room with me, three of you with Mei, and three of you in the spare bedroom". The boys all nod and make sounds of agreement.

"Alright, so here's the plan. Listen for your name so you know where your going to be sleeping for the next month" Luhan says, sounding like a teacher or camp counselor who's taking their students on a field trip. A slight pang of anxiety finds it way through my body when I consider the possibility that Luhan never ran his rooming arrangement by me, and therefore Jongin could potentially be rooming with me. In fact, with my luck he probably will be. As much as I love him, I don't think I can be that close to him until I've managed to talk to Tengfei about this situation.

"Alright listen up" Luhan says again, just to be absolutely positive they're all paying attention. "Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Suho, you three will be in the spare bedroom". He glances at the three of them to make sure they heard him "got it?". They all nod and say "yep!" almost simultaneously. "Alright, Sehun, Xiumin and Chen, you three will be rooming with me" he says next, glancing at the three of them to make sure they understand. "Got it!" Chen says enthusiastically "and don't worry, I've got these guys too. If they don't remember I'll remember for them" he says with a triumphant grin. "And the other three, Lay, Chanyeol and Kai, you'll be rooming with Mei" Luhan says. "Any questions?". No one makes a peep at the mention of questions. "Then it's settled!" Luhan grins, finalizing the rooming arrangements.

Of course! Just my luck! I'm rooming with Jongin. Of course, I knew this was going to happen. It always happens like this. I always get the short end of the stick in complicated situations. Or at least, that's the way it feels. After what feels like forever, we finally pull into the narrow driveway in front of mine and Luhan's house. The boys pile out in a herd and begin to clamor and make all sorts of noise again. "I'll help with your bags, you guys just go inside and make yourselves at home" I smile and hop out of the car, making my way to the trunk to take out their bags. "Let me help" a voice sounds from behind me. And of course, who could it be other than Jongin. Now I'm stuck in the exact same situation I was just in at the airport. Great, just great.

Jongin's POV

"Jongin it's fine, I don't need help" Mei says gently. "Look, I'm not trying to make it awkward, I'm just lending you a hand alright?" I sigh, knowing the real reason she's trying to avoid me. "Besides, it's not like we can avoid this forever. Not if we're going to be sleeping in the same room every night for the next month. I know you're trying to just brush it off, but you can't. I mean for now you can. But if you sit around and avoid it, thinking that the problem is just going to solve itself, then nothing is going to get resolved". She stares at me wide eyed the fixes her gaze on the ground. "I-I know that. I'm just trying so hard not to worry about it. I mean I'd love to get back together with you, but after this month you're leaving, and we'll just be right back where we started at that point. And... and..." her bottom lip quivers and she starts to cry.

"Hey," I embrace her gently and rub her back to sooth her. "Why don't you let me worry about all this luggage. You just go inside and calm down alright. You're under a lot of stress right now. Go lay down, get a little rest. Maybe if you take a nap you'll feel a little better when you wake up. We don't need to worry about this right now, we have quite a fair amount of time to talk about it". Usually, I know Mei would protest, insisting that she doesn't need to be babied and that she is perfectly capable of handling the situation like an adult. But this time, there's no protest. This time she surrenders. She hugs me tightly before running inside so fast that she nearly trips over her own two feet and falls on the concrete walkway. I take a deep breath in through my nose and let it out through my mouth in a heavy sigh. "This poor girl..." I mumble to myself. "What am I putting her through?".

Mei's POV

I run upstairs to my room and slam the door shut behind me. I know my roommates will eventually be coming in here to put away all their luggage and such, but hopefully they'll do that once I'm asleep. I look over at my bed and realize in my haste to get ready and leave for the airport, I never made it. I flop on the bed like a dead fish and pull the covers over my face. My pillow becomes wet with tears and I just try to push away everything and relax. Eventually, when it feels like I've drained myself of all the tears I could possibly cry, my mind and body fall into a deep sleep.

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