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Luhan's POV

I sigh and make my way back to the others in the terminal. "Lu, what's going on between those two?" Chen asks up front. He's never really been anything but blunt so, I was expecting him to be the one who asked. "A lot" I huff and stare at my shoes. "Elaborate please?" Baekhyun urges me to continue with a rotation of his wrist and all the boys stare at me like little children anticipating storytime. Feeling eight pairs of eyes on me, I can't simply deny them the information that they're all so eager to hear. "Well, I can start by telling you that they've got a lot of figuring out to do" I begin. "Here's a really brief rundown of pretty much everything". I take a deep breath and let it out in a heavy sigh before continuing.

"Well, for starters, Mei is still in love with Kai". "Wait but isn't she with som-" Xiumin starts to speak, but I cut him off. "I was getting there. Let me finish, please" I tell him before continuing. "She IS in a relationship currently, which it seems like you guys already knew, but something tells me it isn't going to last very long now that Kai's around...". "You know" Chanyeol chimes in "I don't know this Tengfei guy at all, but it seems to me like he's just Mei's rebound. And it's obvious that Kai's still in love with her too. Back at home he never shuts up about her, and it's been a year and he still hasn't found new love. They're both pretty hooked on each other. I think it's safe to say they're soulmates, they belong to each other".

Kyungsoo, who's usually silent in matters like this, nods in agreement. "They obviously make each other happy" he agrees. "And it's clear that neither of them ever moved on either. So somehow, we have to get them back together. The only thing standing in our way is Tengfei". "Kyungsoo don't say it like that it sounds like you're plotting his murder or something!" Sehun exclaims, trying to sound serious though it's evident that he's trying not to laugh. "Who says I'm not?" jokes Kyungsoo, who's notoriously known as 'satansoo' because he has a habit of squinting which makes him look like he's angry at the world and/or plotting someone's murder. But in reality he just has astigmatism and just can't see very well sometimes.

"Now now boys, were don't need to murder anyone to get our point across" Suho says in a maternal tone, shaking his head at them. For as long as I can remember, Suho has always been the mother figure of the group. I mean I suppose that makes sense, he is the leader after all. "We're just kidding, mommmm" Kyungsoo teases. "I'm not REALLY going to murder anyone". "Boys, can we please return to the issue at hand?" I ask, quieting them all down.

"Right. Well, we just have to find a way to let this Tengfei guy down easy and then baddabing baddaboom we get Kai and Mei back together and everything goes back to the way it was!" Sehun exclaims triumphantly as if he's just solved all of the world's problems with that one sentence. "But is it really that simple?" Suho asks. "Maybe! We won't know unless we try right?" Sehun says, still triumphant and incredibly determined. "Alright, then I suppose we can give it a shot, we just need to figure out how to let Tengfei down easy" Kyungsoo agrees. "Yeah! Let's do it! EXO's gonna save the day!" Sehun grins from ear to ear and they all put their hands in like some sort of team cheer.

"It's so nice of you to come up with such a grand plan boys but, isn't this Mei's problem?" I ask, and the looks on their faces seem as if I've ruined the moment. "Luhan you're a buzzkill!" Sehun pouts childishly. "I'm sorry, but I'm only trying to think of ways to help, not to solve a problem that isn't mine" I tell them, which only discourages them further. I can only deny their pitiful faces to a certain point, after all, they did seem incredibly happy about the plan they devised. "Oh alright fine" I roll my eyes and laugh slightly as I put my hand in with theirs. "We can save the day".

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