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Chanyeol's POV

"Oh boy, does that mean it's storytime?" Chen grins. As the boys all join us in taking a seat on the ground, Chen scoots closer to us than the rest. He stares at me like an expectant kindergartener, waiting for the teacher to give today's instruction. "Why are you so excited, eager beaver?" I laugh. "Because, you may be surprised to know that I actually really enjoy love stories. Most of them are cheesy as fuck and there's always something in them that I can find some way to make fun of" he smirks and rests his elbows in his lap, then rests his chin in his hands. "Now, go on". Kyungsoo smacks the back of his head. "Yah! Soo that hurt~" Chen whines childishly. "Good, now shut up" Kyungsoo rolls his eyes. "Don't worry Chanyeol, I'll hit him again if he says anything stupid". "Satansoo is so mean~" Chen pouts. "Hush! Paboya~" Kyungsoo grabs his arm and pulls him to his side. Are they— flirting? Never mind that, it isn't the point right now.

"So Chanyeol, you were saying?" Kyungsoo says, gesturing for me to speak. "Right, I was telling a story" I snap out of thoughts that I didn't even consciously realize I was thinking. "Well, Kai and I were upstairs with Mei in her room. I was comforting Mei, and I might have casually mentioned that I had a crush on her and—" "We knew about all that. Just tell us what happened after you and Kai were left alone" Baekhyun grins. "Those are the details we want to hear!". "Oh, right~" I nod. "Well, Kai proceeded to tell me that he had given up on pursuing Mei and how terrible he felt for putting her through so much emotional stress. In my efforts to convince him that he wasn't the bad guy in this situation, I held his face in my hands in order to look him directly in the eye. And he caught my eye in a way that I didn't expect, and then I kissed him right then and there. Then the two of us realized, maybe our pursuit of Mei was all just pent up feelings for each other, and that was it".

A chorus of "awwww!"s erupt from the crowd of boys. "And, upon learning about all this, Mei convinced me to ask him out, which I'm thankful for since I would've been way too nervous to do it without persuasion" I turn to smile at Mei. "No problem!" she grins cheerfully. "I figured a little push might move you two along a little smoother". I nod softly "well it did, thank you". She flashes me another bright smile in return. "I don't think I've ever heard Kai this quiet" Luhan says suddenly, drawing everyone's attention to the fact that Kai hasn't said a word the whole time. "Come to think of it, neither have I" I agree "unless he's eating or—". I softly lift his head off my shoulder enough to see his face. He's sound asleep. "Just as I suspected" I laugh softly. "You can't silence Kim Jongin unless your name is food or sleep". Laughter erupts from the crowd of boys. As the laughter gradually fades out, Sehun gets up from his seat and stands next to Mei.

"Yah, Mei? Can I ask you something?" he asks in a tone that's unusually soft for Sehun. "Um, sure" Mei says softly "what is it Sehunnie?". "Well actually I think uh— maybe it'd be easier for me to say it when no one else is around" Sehun trips over his words a bit. "I mean uh— yeah" he mumbles. I tilt my head curiously. What could Sehun possibly have to say that he wouldn't want the rest of us to hear? He's certainly not the type to be shy about anything, if he's got something to say, he just says it. "Sehunnie, you're making me a little nervous—" Mei says. "It's nothing bad it's just... personal" Sehun says quietly. "Oh, alright" Mei says softly. "Boys, could you give us a moment?". The boys and I nod and Luhan stands up to lead us out of the garden. Carrying a sleeping Kai on my back, I follow the procession, all the while, still wondering what Sehun could possibly want to tell Mei.   

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