Demon Spawn Strikes Again

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Picture of Blue Above:)

By the time lunch rolls around, I'm dreading talking to Blue so much that my hands are shaking.

This trait is something I got all on my own. I guess you could call it a form of social anxiety. I'm pretty witty and handle people well, but everything leading up to any kind of social event stresses me out.

When I was a sophomore, it got so bad that I never went to birthday parties or sleepovers, and I never went around guys.

For a long time, they scared me. I wanted them to like me and I was so terrified that they wouldn't. Yes, I occasionally got the "you're hot" comment, but that just made me angry. I didn't want them to just think of me as a body. I wanted them to like my personality.

It doesn't take a psychologist for me to realize that I needed approval from guys because my father left me. But once I figured it out, instead of smiling shyly and being awkward around the ones who made catcalls, I would be rude. And after a while, it worked.

Instead of being the hot girl with the nice butt, I became the witch every guy hated and hurled insults at. And I was completely okay with it.

Thinking of all this, I march confidently over to the table where Blue and his groupies sit. I scan the people sitting around him and almost roll my eyes when I see Cassie hanging onto his arm.

Of course she would be here with him. I wonder if it will be Emma next week. I survey the leggy redhead leaning over the table, trying to get Blue to look at her boobs, and nod.

Yep. It'll definitely be Emma next week. I clear my throat loudly, and Blue pulls his eyes (quite reluctantly, might I add) from Emma's chest.

This time, I do roll my eyes.

"Do you need something, Mare?" He asks with a smirk, arm draped loosely around Cassie's shoulders.

"Nothing, really. Just wanted to let you know I don't need a ride from you anymore," I say with a smile. His smirk drops and his arm tightens around Barbie.

After a few seconds of silence, I cross my arms over my chest and say, "Alright, well I'm gonna go now..."

"No." He says as I start to turn, stopping me in my tracks.

"What do you mean, no?" I hiss.

"I mean, no. It's a fairly simple word. Do you need some synonyms to fully comprehend?" He retorts, causing me fists to ball up.

"I'm riding with Carson from now on. Look at it this way. Now you can fit more of your week long hookups in your car," I grind out, and Cassie whispers something to the boy beside her, causing him to roar with laughter and eye me up and down.

I ignore them and focus my eyes on Blue. He runs a hand through his already tousled hair and shakes his head.

"Sorry, that's not gonna fly. Our moms arranged this and my mom is going to get pissy if she finds out I stopped driving you. So no."

Frustration boils up inside me and I feel the sudden urge to stomp my foot. I resist, though, and blow out a long breath.

"This isn't your choice. It's mine. So you can come by my house tomorrow if you want, but I'll already be with Carson." I say calmly and walk away and fast as possible before he can object anymore.

After I go through the cafeteria line, I walk over to our table and slam my tray down before sitting across from Carson.

He raises and eyebrow and begins to speak, but I raise my hand, stopping him.

"Do not say anything about my undies or I will impale you with a blunt object," I warn.

He chuckles, "Tell me what happened. Use your words. Violence is not the answer; especially to your very handsome and dashing best friend."

"Who says the word dashing?" I ask incredulously.

"I do."

"Alright, whatever. So I went to tell Blue that I wasn't riding with him to school anymore and the guy had the nerve to tell me no," I grind out and stab my salad aggressively.

"Demon Spawn strikes again, I see," he comments.

I nod.

"Look, don't get too worked up about it. It's not like he can force you to ride with him."

Again, I nod.

"But just to be safe, get to my house a little early tomorrow."

He laughs, "Why, Ren?"

I growl, "Because the toolbag like mind ninjas me into doing whatever he wants! It's like reverse psychology but worse. Or like that thing they do on Star Wars where he waves his fingers and says, 'these are not the droids you're looking for' or something like that. Point is, he's too powerful for me to handle. So I'd rather just avoid the situation entirely."

Carson's eyes glow with amusement.

"You act like he has super powers," he snickers. I throw a chunk of lettuce at him.

"He does! He has the power to make me look at those big arm muscles, or his tattoos, or his ear piercings. And every time I do I lose my free will..." I say, trailing off.

His nose scrunches up, "Alright, Ren. I get the picture. Please, no more."

I stick my tongue out at him as my cheeks turn red.

"But you do make a pressing case. So I'll make sure to get to your house early so you can stay away from Blue and all of his mind ninja skills. And his tattoos," he concedes.

I grin at him, "Thank you, handsome and dashing best friend."

"What kind of person says dashing?" He says, feigning disgust.

I hit his arm, "You do!"

He laughs, rubbing his arm gently.

"So anyways, I'll meet you in the parking lot after eighth period, okay? I have to skip lunch early for a football meeting, so I'll see you then. Steer clear of all people named after colors!" He says quickly before gathering his trash and leaving the lunch room.

With a sigh, I finish off my salad and head to my Pre-Calculus class to study before anyone else gets in here.

Lord knows I need all the extra help I can get.

So this is my first story published on Wattpad and I'm super psyched about it. I don't have much of a fan base, or anything really. So if you wouldn't mind, please recommend my story if you like it!!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send them. Especially if I've made a mistake. You guys are my only editors! Oh, and please get on me if I'm slow its updates. Sometimes I need a push to finish a story.

Okay, all the time. That's why I'm writing it on here, so I can finish a book for once.

P.S. Tell me what you think about the characters so far! I really need feedback, and many of your comments will be used. This is only a first draft, so I'll be tweaking it as I go.

Thanks for reading:)

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