'Just Friends'

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Compared to most people, I have a pretty great memory. Especially before my father left, I could recall events vividly, no matter the fact that I was pretty young when he left. And even if I didn't, Mom told enough stories to where it felt like I knew everything there was to know about my childhood.

And I hate it.

You see, as much as Micah likes to act like I don't understand how hard it was for him when Dad left, I felt the loss just as much as he did. I remembered the guy who would take me to the park every Friday and play tea party with me. I actually have an old picture that I boxed up of this big, bulky guy with tattoos covering both his arms and harsh features sitting on a pink bed with a tiara on his dark head. 

When I was thirteen, I used to look at that picture a lot. 

That was when I missed Dante the most; not right after he left, like Micah did, or every night like Mom. I think it was because of the fact that all the girls in my grade were talking about how embarrassing it was when their dads had to buy them tampons, or when they got protective when the girls had a crush on someone. It made me miss the little things that I wouldn't get to experience.

 Thirteen year old me would be pretty dang happy at the prospect of her long lost daddy coming home. But seventeen year old me? Yeah, not so much. 

"Don't worry about it right now, Mare. You don't even know if he'll actually show up. Just... Focus on your brother right now," Blue says, breaking me from my thoughts. I look up into his blue eyes that are filled with worry for me, and I somehow manage a small smile.

"Yeah, you're right. Deadbeats usually don't come back around, especially when bills are gonna be a pain in the butt," I reply, my voice wary. 

"As much as I hate  to say it, I agree," Carson says from the other side of me. Even after a few hours of sitting with the two in the uncomfortable waiting room chairs, it still freaked me out that Carson and Blue were actually choosing to get along.

Well, kind of. 

I feel my heart swell and tears gather in my eyes once again at how grateful I am that they're finally putting things aside. And it's all for me. 

Wow, I really don't deserve either of them. 

"Ember is on her way. She called me earlier after she heard about you running through the school crying, and as soon as I told her what was going on, she said she was coming," Carson adds, and I smile, despite the worry growing inside me still. 

"Well when she does, you both are free to go. It's almost twelve, and you guys have school tomorrow," I tell them, and put up a hand as soon as they open their mouths to protest.

"I need girl time. And as much as I appreciate your company, you're both kind of suffocating me with the constant 'can I get you coffee's and the 'how are you feeling's," I continue, half sheepish for admitting that they were starting to get on my nerves a bit, and half stern.

The simultaneously slump, and I chuckle. For two dudes who hate each other, they sure do act really similarly at times. 

"Okay, but I have to go grab my keys. I think I left them in Micah's room, I'll be back," Carson concedes, before standing up and walking towards the rooms. 

After a few moments of silence, I turn towards Blue in my chair. 

"So now that we're good, you won't be kissing random girls throughout the day at school?" I tease him, in hopes of keeping the subject off of my father. 

He shoots me a look before replying, "Doubtful."

I roll my eyes at him, "Why? That's so unsanitary."

He snorts before getting up and throwing his jacket on, "Because I've got to do it with someone, and the one girl I want to kiss is hell bent on being 'just friends' at the moment."

And then he winks, causing the breath to leave my lungs and butterflies to flutter in my stomach. He salutes me as a way of saying goodbye, and I just watch him as he turns around and walks away, all the while my heart is stuck in my throat. 

Ugh, if he's not careful I may end up breaking the whole just friends thing a lot quicker than I anticipated. 


Ahhhh!!!!! I'm sorry it's so short, but it's all I have for now. I've had pretty bad writers block lately, but my curse has finally lifted, therefore I have bestowed upon you another chapter. So let me know what you think, dears!!!! 

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