My Sass Flavored Milkshake Must Be Doing Something Right

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ATTENTION: V FOR VENDETTA SPOILER IN THIS CHAPTER. Just wanted to let you know in case you didn't want the ending ruined. Read at your own risk!
Later that night, I get a text from Carson. Still a little pissed, I roll my eyes and throw my phone on my bed, watching it bounce a few times before settling.

"Let me guess, it was one of the two toolbags," Gio says from my doorway.

"Yep. And I really don't feel like talking about it. All I want to do is watch V for Vendetta and imagine I'm V and every person he kills is either Carson or Blue. So grab some blankets from my closet, take off your shoes, and get in here."

He mock salutes me and does what I ask before cutting off the lights before and laying down on one side of the bed.

I raise an eyebrow, "Please, make yourself comfortable, dear cousin of mine."

He sticks his tongue out before saying, "Sarcasm is not going to bring boys to the yard, Rennie."

"Well clearly my sass flavored milkshake is bringing some boys to the yard, or I wouldn't be in this mess, would I?"

"Stop being dramatic and sit down," he commands.

I obey, and once I'm all comfy and warm (covered in three blankets, to be precise), I grab the controller and hit play.

V for Vendetta was already in my DVD player, thanks to my little hobby I had picked up over the past two days.

I never got tired of watching this movie, and it was a good alternative to actually killing people, in my opinion.

As soon as it starts, Gio and I watch in rapt silence. He inherited Nonna's love for movies just like I did. When we watched movies together, it was like we became a part of the story, together.

It's how I connected with people.

Which is why I'm so pissed off Blue took me to the movies. That toolbag somehow knew I would grow attached to him over that.

A particular violent scene plays on the tv, and I imagine myself as V.

Yeah, slitting Blue's throat seemed like as good of an option as any.

Gio mumbles beside me, sometimes in Italian, and I can't help but smile.

He's probably worse than I am.

When the scene where V kills the group of men and dies, I whisper, "This is my favorite part."

Gio turns towards me, nose scrunched up, "Why? He should've ended up alive and with Natalie Portman."

I roll my eyes, "This movie isn't about happily ever afters. It's unrealistic that V would be able to escape the things he's done and his past. That was the best way he knew to end given all he had done and been through."

His eyes turn serious, and he stares at me, making me uncomfortable.

"You know just because Uncle Dante left, doesn't mean you can't have a happily ever after. You deserve at least that," he says softly, his tone imploring.

If anyone else had said this, if anyone had even said his name, I would've shut them down immediately. But this is Gio. This is the boy who would cheer me up by sneaking me candy when I would cry because my daddy didn't love me. This is the boy who has stuck around through everything.

Him and Carson are the only guys I actually trust.

"I don't think so, Gio. I can't end up like Mom. I won't let myself. And love... That just makes things so much more difficult," I mumble, the hopelessness in my voice evident even to me.

"Love is about trust. And I know you struggle with that. But you can't let that fear keep you from living."

Maybe he's right. I shouldn't let my fear overrule how I feel. Blue's face pops into my head and I'm once again reminded of his laugh.

I shake my head. No way is someone like Blue Jones going to be what I need.

I fake a grin, "Who knows? Maybe my happily ever after just doesn't involve all that mushy gushy stuff."

He looks like he wants to protest some more, but he just smiles weakly at me.

"Maybe you're right, Rennie. I just really hope you're not."

I roll my eyes and brush off his comment. I know Gio wants the best for me, but I don't think the best is possible anymore.

Besides, even if I did want to fall in love like the girls do in all the books I read, there's no way they would fall in love with me.

I'm damaged goods, and there's no way around it.

"Well, it's been fun Ren. But I think I'll go save Aunt Amelia from Mom. I'll talk to you later. We'll hang out again soon, and you can tell me all about your two personal toolbags," he teases lightly before pushing off my bed and walking to the door.

"And you can tell me all about how this Violet girl rejects your sorry butt!" I yell at his retreating back. He snorts, but doesn't stop walking.

I turn off my tv and check my phone, ignoring the two new text messages from Carson.

The sound of footsteps brings my eyes away from the screen, and I furrow my brow in question when Gio comes back up, a troubled look am his face.

"Um, Mom and Dad are waiting for me in the car, but I just wanted to let you know you have a visitor before I go," he says.

I begin to ask who when he throws me an exasperated look.

"Just come on," he says before turning around again. I follow him down the stairs and to the front door, which stands wide open.

A familiar face meets my eyes, and I can't help but stop in my tracks.


I know it's short, but I wanted to give you guys a little cliffhanger, and the next chapter is gonna be a big one;) I'm actually kind of scared to write it, but anything for my lovelies!

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