Motorcycles and Miniskirts

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Picture of Ebony

When I walk into the house, I'm immediately assaulted by the smell of booze and weed. I scrunch my nose up and walk into the living room.

"Woah dude, who's that?" A guy asks my brother, who sits beside him on the trash covered couch.

"My baby sister," Micah slurs, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Your sister is hot," the other guy says with a laugh.

"She looks like our deadbeat dad."

I flinch at Micah's flat tone, my hand tightening on the strap of my book bag.

"Your deadbeat dad must've been hot," he giggles, and takes another sip of beer.

"Screw you," I spit, and run up to my room, slamming the door behind me. I pull out my phone, and see a message from a number I don't recognize.

"I'm picking you up at seven -Demon Spawn"

My brow furrows, and I type quickly back.

"How did you get my number?"

"Easy. Remember when I took your phone?"

I growl involuntarily.

"Toolbag. I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Come on, Mare. I thought you weren't scared?"

I start to type back, refusing, but then my mind travels to Micah and his strung out friend. I shake my head. I can't stay here any longer.

"Make it five and we have a deal."

"Just can't wait to see me, can you?"

"Don't push it."

I sigh and throw my phone on my bed.

"What does one wear when going out with Demon Spawn?" I mumble.

With a groan, I snatch my phone up and call Ebony.

Usually, I wouldn't call her. I hadn't talked to her since Carson and her broke up last year. But she's the closest thing I've got to a girl friend and it's not like I can talk to Carson about this.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Hey, Ebony. It's Ren. I'm in need of some girl advice and you're the only one I could think to call," I say, my voice squeaking a little.

"Hey Maren! Of course I'll help. What's up?" She replies cheerily.

"So Blue Jones asked me to hang out with him tonight and I have absolutely no idea what I need to wear," I say in a rush, cheeks heating up.

"Well that's surprising. I'll be over in ten minutes."

I breathe out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, this means a lot. Oh and don't mind the two stoned guys in the living room. Just come right up to my room."

"Got it."

And then she hangs up.

Within the ten minutes it takes her to get here, I've talked myself out of this four times, and talked myself back into it five times.

I mean, it's not like a date or anything. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

A knock on the door jolts me out of my thoughts and Ebony walks in with a big smile.

The girl is blindingly beautiful. Her brown hair is pulled back in two Dutch braids, and her caramel skin seems to glow and make her bright green eyes pop. She's tall and model thin, with legs that don't end for days.

And what makes it all so much more wonderful is that she's so sweet. I stand up and she wraps her arms around me in a tight hug.

When she pulls back, one perfectly done eyebrow raises and she says, "You, Maren Marsden, are going on a date with Blue Jones, the smoking hot bad boy slash player?"

I shake my head, "It's not a date. I just really need to get out of the house. And he's really convincing."

She nods emphatically, then heads into my closet.

"So does Carson know about this Blue thing?" She says, her voice muffled slightly.

"No, but he knows Blue's been pretty persistent recently," I admit.

"Just promise me you'll tell him? That boy cares about you way more than he ever cared about me. He deserves to know."

My brow furrows at her words. What is she talking about? Carson was totally in love with her. I'm just his best friend.

Despite my confusion, I respond, "I will."

After a few more minutes, she comes out with my white marvel tee, a black skirt that stops around mid thigh, and my black high tops.

"A skirt?" I ask, disgust clear in my tone.

She rolls her eyes, "It's cute. Now shut up and change before I pull out those black heels you've got tucked away in your closet."

I quickly throw on the outfit, and Ebony commands me to sit in front of my vanity. She pulls my hair into a messy pony tail, leaving some strands loose, and then starts on my makeup.

When she's done, I admire her work. It's nothing too major, just mascara, a bit of eyeliner. But then my eyes focus on my now cherry red lips.

"Hot, huh?" She says with a grin when she sees my dumbfounded expression.

I look... Good. A little girly, but not overly so. It's absolutely perfect.

"Now take out your contacts and put on your glasses."

"How did you know I'm wearing contacts?" I ask incredulously. She rolls her eyes.

"We've known each other since third grade, Ren. You shouldn't be surprised that I know you wear glasses."

I give her a sheepish smile then head to the bathroom and take out my contacts. I pull out my black rimmed glasses and put them on.

When I step out, she smiles and hugs me again.

"You look beautiful. So now you're all set," she says then pulls away.

I can't help but smile back at her, "Thanks, Ebony. This really means a lot to me."

She waves me off and winks at me, "No need to thank me. Just as long as you promise we'll do this again soon. I've really missed talking to you."

"Definitely," I respond, and I find myself meaning it.

"Well, it's about time for him to get here so I'll head out."

"Alright, I'll walk you out."

Together, we head out of my room and down the stairs. Thankfully, she doesn't comment on my brother and his friend passed out in the living room. She just walks past them and out the door.

We say goodbye and she pulls out of the driveway, speeding off.

I turn to head back into the house when I hear a loud motorcycle engine, causing me to turn back around.

My jaw drops when I see the rider park in my driveway and pull off his helmet.

Blue whistles, scanning my form with a smirk.

"I knew I shouldn't have worn a skirt," I mumble.

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