Ice Cream Disasters

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I walk out of the theater and out into the lobby, grinning like an idiot.

"That's the first time I've been here since that time you went all Hulk on the popcorn machine," I tell Blue, teasing lightly.

He grins back at me like a little kid caught doing something bad.

"Restroom break before we have any more motorcycle adventures?" I suggest, eyebrows raised.

He nods, "I'll wait."

We stop near the bathrooms and I quickly walk in. I stand in front of the mirror, and shake my head at my reflection.

I can't believe it's me, staring back. The girl in the reflection is smiling, a sparkle in her eyes that wasn't there before. Her cheeks are flushed, and she looks genuinely happy.

How can that be me? How can Blue be the one who caused this? With a deep breath, and hands shaking from excitement, I exit the bathroom. Blue looks at me strangely, and I stop.


"You talk during movies. A lot. And you get an accent, but I couldn't tell which kind," he responds.

I can't help but laugh at the mention of it.

"When I was younger, I would spend summers with my grandma on my dad's side. She's Italian, and we always watched old black and white movies together. She loved them, and started speaking Italian whenever she got into them. I guess I got that from her," I explain with a shrug.

We walk down the street, arms brushing gently. I can't help but smile at the memory. I miss Nonna. Even after Dad left, she still helped out Mom as best as she could and spent time with me and Micah.

A lot of the times, she would be the one badmouthing her son in rapid Italian. She hated what he had done to us maybe even more so than I did. But she didn't hate him. I make a note to go visit Nonna soon as we stop at the ice cream parlor a few blocks from the theater.

He raises his eyebrows in question and I nod before walking in.

"I'll grab us a table. Here's some cash. Get me a double scoop of cookie dough," Blue says and hands me a twenty dollar bill. I roll my eyes at his insistence on paying, but walk over to the glass containers holding large vats of creamy goodness in just about ever flavor you could think of.

Jenny, the fifteen year old granddaughter of the owner watches Blue sit down and take out his phone.

I grin at her, and when she realizes she's been caught, her cheeks turn red.

"Sorry," she mumbles, looking down at the ice cream.

I wave her off, "No need to apologize. He's really cute, I know. Can't really blame you. Heck, I don't like the guy most of the time and I still find myself staring."

She giggles, and manages to make eye contact with me.

"Marissa Laurence told me he had a tattoo. Is that true?" She whispers, eyes wide.

I nod, "Yep. Only one that I know of, and I've only seen glimpses of it."

Her expression turns wistful, and she sneaks another glance at him.

"You're so lucky to be going on a date with him."

I snort, "It's not a date. More like a kidnapping with very little resistance on my part."

She laughs.

"Sorry, I should probably ask you what you want now."

"Um, double scoop of cookie dough and a cup of Mint Chocolate Chip."

She smiles, "Coming right up."

After I've paid and said goodbye to Jenny, I sit down across from Blue in the booth and slide over his ice cream.

We eat in silence for about fifteen minutes, until he steals a bite of my ice cream.

I gasp and fake glare at him, "How dare you! Out of all the bad things you've done, Blue Jones, this is by far the worst."

He grins at me, "If you need to settle the score feel free."

With a defiant smirk, I take my spoon and get a big chunk his. We laugh a little, and I'm caught off guard by how comfortable I am with him, like this. He doesn't make me nervous, or angry. Just... Happy. Really happy.

I can't help but wonder if everything will be the same at school tomorrow. A part of me really hopes not. But another part is scared it won't be. The "bad boy" version of Blue I can deal with. That version I'm only physically attracted to. But this side of him makes me want things I shouldn't want.

This version of him makes me want to be with him.

"Maren?" A shocked and slightly angry voice breaks me and Blue from our little laughing session, and my head whips around.

"Carson? What are you doing here?" I ask, completely astonished. And, to be honest, a little guilty.

"I came to get ice cream for Lily. She's feeling better tonight. What are you doing with him?" He asks, shooting a resentful look towards Blue.

I feel him tense up beside me, and I know in the back of my mind that he was back to the regular Blue.

"I promise, this is not what it looks like," I quickly respond, and hear Blue snort beside me. I shoot a glare his way, but turn back towards Carson.

"Seriously, Ren? It's not what it looks like?" He says, voice incredulous.

I cringe, "I know how that sounds, but it's true. I'm not on a date with Blue."

He rolls his eyes, "Whatever. I've got to go, Lily's waiting."

He turns around, and I call his name, but he doesn't turn around as he walks out. I slump into my seat and sigh.

We sit in silence for a few minutes before Blue abruptly stands up.

"We should go," he says, no emotion in his voice. I try to keep up with him on the way back to the bike, but I practically have to run to just stay a few paces behind him.

The whole ride back, I can't stop thinking about Carson, and how Blue changed immediately once he came around.

When we make it back to my house, Blue doesn't even get off his bike. He takes off his helmet and I hand him mine. This time he doesn't even look at me, let alone laugh at my messy hair. I stand there awkwardly for a few seconds.

Finally, I manage to blurt out, "I had a lot of fun tonight."

But all I get in response is a, "Yeah. See you tomorrow."

Then he puts on his helmet after securing mine on the back, and drives away. With a sigh, I head into my house.

How can one night turn out to be the best and worst?

Don't forget to comment/vote! Tell me what ya think;)

So my reads are really picking up! Yay! Thank you to the lovely person who has become one of my first readers/friends on Wattpad:) *Cough cough* Stitch *Cough*. You rock!

And please, recommend my story if you like it!

That's it for now, my lovelies.

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