Jello Rehab

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Two weeks. 

Two weeks since I've been to school, two weeks since I've heard from Blue, and not one moment I haven't wondered about him. I guess he's giving me space; to be with my family and to get myself together. 

"I just don't get it though. Friends visit friends when their brother is in the hospital right? I mean, you're here," I grumble to an amused Ebony, who sits across the hospital cafeteria table from me.

"Yes, but I'm also the type of friend who doesn't think about playing tonsil hockey with you twenty four seven. He probably doesn't know how to handle feelings. I mean come on, he's been thriving off anger and tits for quite some time now. And now you're making him feel something... real. And let's not mention the fact that he and Carson can't be in the same room together without practically having a pissing contest," she replies, rolling her eyes as I snort. 

She's right, I know she is. But that doesn't make it any easier. I groan and let my head thump against the cool plastic table. 

"I'm such a terrible person. Micah just woke up from a freaking coma and I'm over here worrying about a boy who's  more confusing to me than Calculus," I whine. 

"You're deflecting, Ren. It's what you do," she says

I nod absentmindedly and look at my watch, eyes widening at the time. 

"Crap, I've gotta go back to the room. Mom called a family meeting," I say and stand up.

Ebony raises an eyebrow in question, and I roll my eyes.

"She says it's something about how she's been too slack with us and she's gonna start laying ground rules," I explain.

"So you don't think it has anything to do with your dad?" She asks, her words stopping me cold.

"I didn't until you mentioned it. So thanks for that lovely little bit of anxiety. Remind me why I even told you?" I try to tease, but it comes out stiff. 

"Because you needed an opinion that wasn't full of testosterone and barely contained longing," she replies. 

I snort, "Very true. Well I'll see you later, okay? And tell Carson that you're staying so he doesn't  show up again."

That happened last week, and he ended up failing his English test the next day. And let's just say his parents weren't too happy about it.

She gives me a thumbs up and I head back to Micah's room. When I get there, Mom is sitting in the chair beside the bed and Micah is sitting up with a bowl of jello in his hands. He sees me and smiles  brightly.

"Good timing, Sis. Any longer and Mom would've hunted you down herself," he says, making me stop.

Man, I don't think I'm ever going to get used to having the old Micah back. I smile at him and sit on the corner of the bed.

"Do they have jello rehab? Because I'm pretty sure you're gonna need it after we break you out of here," I tease him, and he laughs, but Mom stiffens in her chair.

I open my mouth to apologize, but she stands up and begins her speech, effectively silencing me.

"Okay, so I know that in the past, I've been oblivious to everything going on with you two. I'll admit, part of me always knew something wasn't right, but I didn't want to admit it. I wanted to pretend that I could do this on my own. That I was perfectly fine without your dad being here," she starts, causing Micah and me to both tense.

God, Please don't let Ebony be right. Please don't let Dante come back.

"But I'm not going to do that anymore. I promise you both I am going to be better. I promise that if even so much as a joint is found in either of your possessions, I will murder you."

I shoot a pointed look at Micah, and he rolls his eyes.

"Don't  look at your brother like that, young lady. Don't think I haven't noticed how two boys have been hanging around the hospital like lost puppies. No boys in your room and you better tell me whenever you're going out with anything with a penis. Got it?" She says, making me squirm and my cheeks heat up.

"Got it," I mumble. 

She nods, satisfied, and says, "Well I'm glad we had this talk. I'm going to go talk to the nurse about getting you home. I'll be back in a bit."

She walks out, and I turn to Micah, who's waggling his eyebrows. I stick my tongue out at him and throw a spare pillow at his head. He catches it, and then his eyes lose all amusement.

"I've missed out on a lot, huh?" He says, his face now solemn.

I don't say anything, because we both already know the answer.

He sighs, "I'm sorry, Ren. Most of it is pretty much a blur, but what I do remember is pretty bad. I was awful to you, and I had no reason to be. I was just... angry. And hurt. I didn't want to process, so I just tried to block it all out. But I'm gonna be different. Just like Mom said, I'm going to be better for you."

I've been waiting to hear that for so long. Tears spill down my cheeks, and it takes me a moment to respond.

"I can't forgive you. Not yet. But I'm going to try, okay? I've missed you, Micah."

His eyes even get a little watery, and he wraps me in a hug. For a while, we stay like that; him rubbing my back while I cry. 

"So tell me, are those two tools who keep showing up  my gay lovers that I can't remember because of the drugs or are boys fighting over you now?" He says, and I burst out laughing.

I really hope things can stay like this forever.


I'm back!!!! Honestly I really thought I had given up on this story, but you guys brought me back. All the love you have shown me and the characters has been crazy to see. So here you go guys. This is for you. 

I love you all!!! 

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