Running Far Away

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PSA: if you like Gio, and want to read more of his story, go checkout Changing Violet! I've only got a chapter up now, but I'll definitely be updating that soon as well.

Oh, and be ready to want to punch Mare in the face, then hug her, then punch her in the face again;)

"Okay, well. I'm gonna go now," Gio says, clearing his throat. The glare Blue is sending his way must be making him very uncomfortable.

Add that to the purple bruise on his right cheek and his bandaged knuckles, and you've got a very scary dude.

"Bye Rennie. I'll text you later," Gio says to me and inches past Blue until he's out of the house.

"So who was that?" Blue grinds out, fists clenched.

I roll my eyes. I can't believe that is his first thought.

"My cousin, idiot. Now tone down the testosterone a bit before you start peeing on everything I own like a dog marking its territory," I snap, taking in his battered form.

He raises an eyebrow, "Still mad, I see."

"Of course I'm mad! Why didn't you tell me that Carson started the fight instead of walking away?" I hiss. I know I'm being irrational; I didn't really give him much of a chance to explain. But seeing him like this just pisses me off.

His eyes darken, "Because your mind was already made up. Lover boy always gets the benefit of the doubt, even when he doesn't deserve it."

"Well it's not like you have the best track record, Blue. And before you, Carson was totally fine," I reply, sounding defensive even to my own ears.

He scoffs, "Yeah, because before me there was no competition. For such a smart girl you sure are dense, Mare."

"What do you mean competition? And what are even doing here?" I ask, confused.

"I'm here because I couldn't stop thinking about you! About the way you looked at me, like there was no hope for me!" He yells, one hand punching the wall beside him, making me jump a little.

For a moment, I just stand there in stunned silence. In all honesty, most of the times I've seen Blue fight or get worked up, it's almost as if he's enjoyed it. Like he's over excited, not angry. But when it has to do with me, especially recently, he looks so mad. So torn apart.

I don't know why what I do means so much to him, but that doesn't make t any easier to know I'm responsible for it.

The urge to comfort him overwhelms me, and I have to fight myself with all I've got to just not touch him.

"You're not hopeless, Blue. I think you like to believe you are. But you're not," I mumble, looking down at my feet.

His breathing seems to slow and I feel rather than hear his arms fall back at his sides.

"The why can't you give in, Maren? Why can't you just let me in?" he whispers back, and I'm completely caught off guard by his defeated tone and the use of my full name.

He's never called me anything but Mare before now.

And that's when it hits me; the realization that he's more than just the rebellious boy who sends chills down my spine. He has feelings other than anger and pride. He cares, and he hurts. I look up into his eyes and I almost start to cry.

God, he hurts so much.

And despite all of this, I can't bring myself to do it. And that kills me.

I shake my head, "Maybe if we had met at a different time in a different life, this could work. But-"

"Screw that, Maren. You can make that excuse your entire life about everything you do and it's still complete bullsh-" he interrupts, but cuts himself off, causing my mind to go back to what Gio had said earlier.

"Why have you never cussed in front of me?" I blurt out.

His eyebrows furrow, "What?" Clearly he's caught off guard by my swift change in subject.

"I know you cuss. Multiple people have told me. But you've never cussed in front of me. Why is that?" I elaborate.

He runs a hand through his hair, making it stick out messily.

"Because I know you don't like it. Whenever anyone would ever curse in front of you your face would scrunch up and your fists would clench," he admits after a pause.

How did this guy manage to notice me, to know me, without talking to me? My stomach flips at the thought.

Maybe I've been wrong about him this entire time...

No. I can't go there. Carson would hate me, and I can't risk ending up like Mom. The way she used to talk about him instantly comes to my mind. God, I'm starting to sound just like her.

"I can't do this. I can't talk to you anymore; we can't be friends. Carson comes first-" I begin, but he cuts me off.

"Don't act like this has anything to do with Carson. That's a lame excuse," he snaps, his anger rising again.

"What do you mean by that?" I respond, defensive.

"The real reason you can't do this is because you want to run as far away as possible from any emotional attachment that might get you hurt. But that's the thing about caring about someone, Mare. It's scary and there's always the possibility of getting hurt," he says passionately, causing me to freeze.

"Are you saying I'm like my father?" I manage to grind out.

He shoots me a look before responding. "No, I'm saying you're you. You can't trust anyone, and you run from everything that's unpredictable or difficult. Well, guess what? I'm tired of trying to chase after you. I'm all out of energy, and I can't keep up anymore. So you'll be happy to know that I'm done trying and you can go back to your predictable existence."

His words shake me to my very core; it would've been a lot easier if he sounded angry. But there was no emotion left in his voice, and I know that he's done for good this time. There's no more spontaneous dates or showing up at my front door. This is it.

He's given up, and for good reason. I should be happy, I got what I wanted.

I want to respond, but he doesn't give me a chance. So all I do is watch as he walks out, and slams the door behind him.

A flash of another man, much larger and with dark hair walking out the same door, Mom screaming for him to come back, hits me like a ton of bricks.

I should be happy. So why does it feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest?

Okay, so this was really difficult to write. Like painfully difficult. I kept on wanting to change it and make her let him in, but that's not how the story has to go. It's really hard when you want your characters to get a happily ever after, but you know that that isn't how the story has to go.

Rate/comment, even though I'm sure this didn't leave you with a very happy feeling.

That's it for now my lovelies, tell me what you think!

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