Field 3- Chapter 3

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Tylor led her down the tunnel, passing by each other branch and room without a word or hint of explanation.

Lynda was confused, why was the guy showing her around, telling her nothing about any rooms or hallways.

But he seemed smart so she decided not to point anything out, he probably had his reasons. Yet they walked until they couldn't go forwards anymore and there was a tunnel to the right and a door to the right.

"Here, this will probably be a room you'll use often," Tylor explained. Opening a door to show a large white room. A bathroom? Why did it look so... different from everything else? "This is a room we stole from a Field and made into a bathroom. There is another one I'll show you later. Maybe a third we have a chance of running across. I don't really have anything to do with the design or layout, that's Aura and Lucy."

"Aura?" Lynda asked, not recognizing the name.

"Mabel, she's the one with the cape and knee-high boots with neon blue on them. Some of us call her Aura," Tylor explained. "It's her middle name."

"Oh, okay," she replied. Tylor shut the door and turned to the right, walking down the tunnel.

"This tunnel has a bunch of spare empty rooms, no real need to show you them, but if you ever need a room for something, just come down here and drop your stuff in it. You just need to watch out for Chairen. He gets really mad when you try to turn one of them into a deadly laser field," Tylor explained, opening a door to show the white room, probably stolen from another Field like the bathroom, with bright red lasers pointing every which way, one just grazing Lynda's arm as the door was fully opened. "He called it dangerous."

"He does kinda have a point," Lynda said, rubbing her arm, kinda freaked out over the thought that if she'd been just a little further over her arm would've been hit by the laser.

"Yeah but I'm also the only one who can disable it, but I won't," he explained. "Come on, despite having a lot of time, Chairen complains if anything takes longer than he thinks it should."

The door was shut, cutting off the laser and slightly calming Lynda.

Tylor lead her back down the main hallway, and down their next left, of which he referred to as East because nobody can mess that up... easily.

"Down here is this big kitchen area, Lucy actually spends a lot of time cooking stuff we stole in here, making cookies and such. Ezzy helps sometimes too," Tylor explained, pushing apart a large set of sliding doors as Lynda looked inside. "There's also another bathroom at the end on the North wall. All of the doors are on the North wall. So we can actually have room for the rooms."

"What?" Lynda asked.

"Behind the South wall right now is probably the laser room, there isn't that much room here," Tylor explained, this time making sure the message was clear.

"Oh," Lynda replied. "I guess that makes sense. So all of the branching tunnels run West to East probably too?"

"Yeah, it's kinda like a tree in a way. One that looks really strange, but a tree nonetheless," he said, walking back out into the main tunnel and over to the next branch, this time on the east.

There was one room down this shorter tunnel, a loud noise of something crashing came from inside.

Tylor opened the door to reveal Zippi running around being chased by Ezzolyn, a bunk bed had fallen over and blankets lay on the floor, Steven was struggling to pick up the fallen beds and Marcus lay with the bed on his back being squished against the floor with his arms in front of him, not even trying to get out.

Lynda smiled at the scene and Tylor stepped into the room, Zippi running into his side and falling to the ground.

"What happened in here?" Tylor asked, helping Zippi up and looking around the room.

"Zippi ran into Ezzolyn in the hallway, then proceeded to run into here with me in tow and threw me at the bed for some reason," Marcus explained.

"I was saving you!" Zippi said smiling.

"Thank you so much," Marcus said sarcastically.

"Why did you even chase him in the first place?" Tylor asked, walking over to the fallen bed and lifting it slightly as Marcus squirmed out.

"I finally had a reason to," Ezzolyn replied, finally using her telekinesis to fully lift the bed. "Because he ran into me."

"That makes so much sense," Marcus said.

"Hey, calm down, you were only squashed by a falling bed," Steven said smiling.

"You say that like it was funny," Marcus said crossing his arms and sitting on the bottom bunk of his old captor.

"Well, it was slightly," Lynda commented.

"No!!" Marcus shouted.

"Next room!" Zippi shouted, grabbing Marcus' wrist and running out of the room before anyone could do anything.

"Uhm, so this is the bedroom, Tylor, good timing, have you found the new beds and hacked whatever?" Ezzolyn asked. "Like done what Chair asked you to do so I could get them with Zip later?"

"Chair?" Lynda asked.

"Chairen, and I suggest you don't call him that ever," Tylor said. "No, I offered to tour Lynda instead. I can do that quickly after. Why'd he want you and Zipper working together?"

"Something like Zip can get me out of there if Red appears," Ezzolyn explained. "C'mon, the next room is really cool!"

Steven and Ezzolyn left the room, running past Lynda.

"See you guys in a bit," Steven said.

"So yeah, the bedroom area. Not the best, but it's all stolen, down to the room we're stood in," Tylor explained, turning to leave.

"Who or what is Red?" Lynda asked.

"Oh, you guys have had two interactions with her. We have a bunch of names for her, don't yet know the real one, I don't really know why Ezzy calls her Red, but I also don't question it," Tylor explained. "But we don't know anything about her. Except for glimpses of her appearance."

"Oh, okay," Lynda replied. Not really knowing why she mattered really, but choosing not to question it. There could be a good reason she didn't really want to hear.

They walked out of the room, and down the final tunnel, to the west once again.

"There's a few more used areas down this hall, kinda like training rooms if you're bored, they're mostly for like Ezzy and Aura, those of us who haven't fully mastered the talents given to us. Like myself, Zipper or Ryly, who basically always use our talents, Lucy is in here sometimes too, and Chairen has a punching bag he's broken a few dozen times. There are multiple doors but it's all a connected room. Chairen had broken the only door and trapped Lucy, Zipper and himself in there before we added more exits," Tylor explained, opening one door and showing the room. "Also at the end is another bathroom I believe. There's what, eleven of us now, honestly a fourth would do us good probably."

"Does Chairen have some anger problems or something?" Lynda asked. She noticed Ezzolyn and Steven at the far end of the room, throwing things at each other.

"Uh, slightly. But he wouldn't ever admit to it," Tylor explained. "Basically that's the whole area, there are a bunch of locked doors back in the main room only Ezzy can open, they lead to different places we often break in and steal from. Some lead to rooms from the Fields in the Nether Project. Your Project. But usually only Chairen decided who comes and goes and for what reasons. He's sorta like the guy in charge but he handles the roll well."

"Oh, okay," Lynda replied. "Thanks for the tour, Tylor."

"No problem, I'm sure it was more helpful than Chairen would've been," Tylor explained smiling. He waved as he left down the tunnel.

Lynda shut the door and paused for a moment, confused for what to do next. Eventually deciding to check out the kitchen again. Even though she had no interests in cooking whatsoever.

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