Field Results- Test One

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Lynda awoke with a gasp. She remembered her name and basic skills. But nothing about herself or her personality.

She got up off the bed and looked down at herself. She had a black jacket with green stripes on the shoulders and at the bottom which she didn't recognize.

Lynda walked over towards the door turning the knob and pushing outwards. There were three others in the room. Each with a different colour on their jacket. The other girl had orange, the boy with blonde hair had purple, and the boy with brown hair had yellow.

"Hey," the blonde said. Lynda didn't quite recognize his accent, but she could tell he had one.

Suddenly there was a loud crashing noise and the floor started lowering into the ground.

"Wait what's going on!" the girl shouted. Staring at the walls.

"The floors like an elevator, sinking into the ground," the boy with the yellow on his jacket replied.

"Thanks for stating the obvious," she said back.

"So uh, what are your names?" Lynda asked curiously as the floor was lowering. "I'm Lynda."

"I'm Steven," the accented boy explained.

"I like your accent," Lynda said.

"Thanks I guess? It's Australian," he replied.

"I'm Karin," the other girl replied.

"Marcus," the last guy said.

Then the floor stopped and a panel slid across over their heads making a low ceiling in the room as the light was completely sealed out.

"Oh great, nobody's afraid of the dark, right?" Steven asked. A chorus of "no" followed.

"So uh... what now?" Karin asked. "Are we still going down?"

Suddenly a wall lit up orange.

"I guess we aren't..." she mumbled.

"Woah that's too cool!" Steven shouted. He ran to the closest corner and touched both walls as they glowed purple making the room somewhat of a brown, staring at it in amazement for a few seconds before running towards the last one.

"Should we maybe make them equally lit for the different colours?" Lynda asked. Touching one of the purple walls as it flooded with green like a ripple from her hand.

"Sounds good," Marcus said, pulling Steven away from the wall his hand was still on and tapping it as it changed to yellow.

After a few seconds the room was plunged back into darkness.

"Well then, that was productive," Marcus complained. Lynda held out her hand and had to take a step before her hand hit a wall to show a triangular room. "How did it change so much so fast?!"

"What about the fact there are three walls?" Karin explained. Swinging her arm back to hit the wall that had been revealed behind her.

"Well this time the ceiling is white, like the walls were," Lynda mentioned.

"It's too high," Karin commented.

Steven reached up before frowning and jumping as his fingers barely brushed the ceiling as it started glowing purple.

"You stand corrected," Marcus replied, touching the last wall.

"Shouldn't you say, you jump corrected?" Lynda asked. The room went dark.

"You see all the light in this room? That's how much I appreciate your contribution," Marcus replied as Lynda laughed at his comment.

Suddenly Karin shrieked in shock and a metal-bordered white square in he floor lit up orange to reveal a space with no walls.

"Where are we now!" Marcus shouted, his voice echoing slightly.

Lynda walked over to the edge and when she tried to look over Steven shouted and she slipped.

"They're on the side!" Steven shouted as she hit the floor which was pitch black, making it look like a pit.

"Lynda!" Marcus shouted.

"Guys there's a floor down here!" she shouted up. One by one the other dropped down.

She walked a corner to see a square lit up purple then around the next were two more, one higher up than the other.

"The last two are over here!" she shouted, tapping the lower one as the others ran over.

"That one's too high up," Marcus commented.

Steven picked him up and Marcus shouted out in shock.

"What are you doing?!" he screamed.

"Marc just hit the square," Steven commented. Lynda was trying not to laugh but Karin was just laughing at the two.

Marcus pressed his hand against it in frustration before Steven set him down.

"Now that wasn't that hard, was it?" Steven asked.

The room went dark suddenly but as Lynda touched the wall behind her nothing lit up.


So, this was one of my favourite tests, did you guys have any other favourites?

Sorry for the long wait! I've been progressively working on this chapter.

Have a great day or remainder of day


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