Field 2- Chapter 2

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After Steven went down enough to make enough room for someone else, Karin decided to go second.

"How far down is that?" Marcus asked. Looking down over the edge.

Lynda shrugged and went down third, leaving Marcus to go last.

"What if the ladder breaks?" Marcus called out. "Or it stops at one point but we can't warn the others and we all fall?"

Steven screamed and Marcus did in response as Steven started laughing.

Karin started laughing as well, Marcus had frozen against the ladder.

"Quit worrying," Karin said as she continued down.

"Are you afraid of heights or claustrophobic or something?" Lynda asked looking up.

"I don't know, let's just get down and off this ladder," Marcus replied.

Feet hit the floor and Steven's voice echoed upwards.

"Hurry up and stop complaining!" he called up.

"I love accents," Karin mumbled.

"Wait, Karin do you-" Marcus said, cut off as Karin jumped to the ground seemingly worried.

"Be careful," Steven told her, Lynda saw him helping Karin to her feet. "Why'd you jump?"

"I... I slipped," Karin stuttered as Lynda reached the ground, Marcus quickly following.

"Oh great, now it's pitch black," Marcus complained.

"Marc calm down, it's not like-" Steven started, right as the ladder fell to the ground and the hole in the ceiling closed over. "Oh great, now it really is, ugh I can't see a thing. Nobody's afraid of the dark, right?"

A chorus of "no's" came from the others, they couldn't even see the outline of their noses on their face.

"Okay yeah, what now?" Karin complained. She walked a random direction and as her hand touched a wall it lit up orange, shocking and amazing them all as the square room lit up.

Steven was stood near a corner and placed a hand on each wall, the walls glowing purple. The room was a mix of lights that made a sort of brownish colour.

He ran to the last and soon three of the four walls were glowing purple.

"This is cool," Steven said, he touched the orange wall after Karin had stepped away and they all went purple.

"Maybe we each have to have an equal number?" Marcus suggested, pulling Steven away from the wall and touching it himself.

"Let's see what that does," Lynda said, placing her hand against one of the purple walls and watching it turn green, the colour spreading outward from her palm.

When Karin leaned her hand on the last wall it went orange. As soon as she'd stepped away, everything turned off again. The room plunging back into darkness.

"Well then, something happened," Marcus said. He placed a hand on a wall close to them but the room was now triangular.

"How are we supposed to make this equal?" Karin asked.

"Simple," Marcus replied. "Steven, since you're the tallest, you get the honours of trying the ceiling."

"That's not going to work," Steven replied. He crossed his arms in frustration.

"Where else? The floor? We're all touching it," Lynda explained.

Steven jumped and reached out a hand and as his hand grazed the ceiling it started to glow purple, Karin and Lynda each taking a remaining wall.

The room went dark again but as Lynda went to touch a wall she tripped over something and as her hands hit the floor to keep her up, the floor started glowing green.

She noticed the glowing area was contained in a metal border, that being what she'd tripped over.

"Woah!" Karin shouted. Lynda looked up to see the room had no walls. It was just an open area that had a steep drop only centimetres from where her hands had landed.

"You alright?" Marcus asked awkwardly.

"Y-yeah," Lynda stuttered, she stood back up nervously. "So I guess now the floor can be lit up?"

"No, only there," Karin said, tapping the floor under her feet.

"Maybe... huh," Marcus said in thought, he bent down and as Lynda looked over the edge he hit another box. "There's some on the sides too."

"So basically anything outlined with metal? Maybe the walls were and that ceiling but we didn't notice?" Karin suggested.

"We need to find two more," Marcus replied.

"There's one!" he shouted, he lay down on the floor and reached down with his hand to touch the square and light it up purple. "And there's another one further down that I can't reach."

"Then how do we get it?" Karin asked, peeking over the edge.

"Take my hands, this will be scary," Steven said. "You two keep me up, we're going to have to lean over the edge."

"You can't be serious," Lynda asked.

"It the only way," Steven replied. "At least that I can think of."

"You know, you don't really come across as a smart guy, but that sounds pretty clever," Marcus said.

"Clever?" Steven asked, suggesting English probably wasn't his first language.

"Smart," Marcus replied.

Karin got down on her knees, both hands tightly holding Steven's own. Lynda and Marcus had laid down each holding one of Steven's ankles with their feet hooked onto the edge, forming a human grappling hook... sorta.

Steven counted down from three and they all felt themselves pulled forwards slightly, but Marcus and Lynda pulled back to keep them secure.

"I almost got it, just a little further down!" Karin shouted. Marcus and Lynda let them slide a bit further until everything went dark and they supposed she'd gotten it.

"I think we're good," Karin said, they all cautiously let go and stood up, Lynda felt a wall but nothing happened, touching the floor, only for nothing to happen.

"Nothing's lighting up," Lynda commented. Until she touched the wall again and started following it, reaching a strange dip. "Hey guys, come here."

They all reached her and when they all touched it the section started glowing brown, before it opened to reveal a square room with a ladder in the middle and a piece of paper on the floor. Steven stepped forwards and picked it up, reading it aloud.



Sorry this one took so long! I've been drawing a lot and that's been distracting me from writing! But there's about 1000 words so I hope that makes up for it!

If you're interested to hear little rants of mine or see some of my drawings or have any questions that aren't related to Results, I suggest you check it out! It's called "Drawings, Short Stories, and Whatever Else". If you want me to draw a character or anything else, you can leave a comment there or just message me! (If you leave a comment here I would still draw it but I would be posting it in the other book)

I hope you have a good day or remainder of day!


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