Field 4- Chapter 2

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"So... we go through the door?" Marcus said, walking towards it.

"Wait!!" Chairen called out, running over to Marcus to stop him. "It might be a trap or something!"

"It doesn't seem to be," Steven said, looking through the open door.

"Or you could just open it," Chairen said to himself as Marcus stepped past him and followed Steven out of the room.

"C'mon," Lynda said as she walked over to the door to follow the others.

Chairen smiled as he looked up, running ahead of her through the doorway to catch up with them.

Lynda left the door open and stepped away. They were in a narrow, brightly lit hallway, Chairen following the other two nervously.

"There could be lasers or something! We have to be careful!" Chairen shouted.

"I can't see any lasers," Steven said, pausing.

"Oh... okay," Chairen replied. His eyes on the ground as the group continued forwards.

There was a lowered platform under him and it crumbled as his foot hit it, Lynda pulled him back before he could fall.

"Th-thanks!" he said nervously. Marcus and Steven ran to the other end of the hall to avoid falling into the pit below. "H-how do we get across now?"

"You guys alright!!" Lynda called across.

"Yeah! And you?!" Steven shouted back.

"We're alright!" Lynda called back to them. "Is there anything over there that can help us across?!"

"Doesn't seem to be!" Marcus shouted after they went back into the room at the end of the hall.

"Why is this so hard!!" Chairen shouted, kicking the wall where it dented in. He punched the wall a few times for the same effect. "I think I know a way across!"

He lifted himself into the holds he'd made that seemed to support his weight well, and started making more holes in the wall as he started to cross the gap.

"Chairen! You are absolutely insane!" Marcus called across. "But keep doing that it's working!"

When he was three quarters of the way there, Lynda slid her foot into one of the holds Chairen had made and started to make her way across like he was, but closer to the wall and holding a bit tighter.

She made it about halfway and had already begun to slow down and focus more of her grip, knowing Chairen was shorter and potentially lighter that herself the wall could probably give in at any moment, taking her with it to the ground.

She was almost to the end when she lost her grip slightly. And froze against the wall.

"Come on Lynda!" Steven said. She reached out and grabbed the next hold, slowly moving forwards, when she got to the end she just sat against the wall.

"Come on, let's keep moving before the floor decides to fall again," Marcus said. Awkwardly helping Lynda back to her feet.

"I hope that doesn't happen again," Lynda said quietly.

The next room was just a large expanse of... grass? There was a room at the far end.


Sorry for the short update! I just prefer separating it with different parts.

How are you liking Field 4 so far?

Have a great day or remainder of day!


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