Field Results- Test Two

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Lynda started walking, looking for another wall when she kicked something, four coloured stones lit up the room. One of each of their colours. They looked just the right size to be the most uncomfortable thing they'd ever held.

"Maybe we should go through there," Marcus suggested, pointing to a doorway.

"Better than staying in here," Karin replied.

"I don't approve of this rock," Steven said. Frowning at his glowing purple rock.

Marcus took the lead walking down the path, Lynda followed second.

They came to a fork in the path and Marcus turned right.

"You know what they say about mazes, just keep going along the right wall," Marcus said.

Lynda glanced back to see Karin at the back shifting how she held her stone constantly, trying to find some sort of comfortable way to hold it.

"Yeah, if you want it to take forever!" Steven shouted up from behind Lynda.

"Otherwise you could just go in circles!" Marcus shouted back at they walked by a passageway on their left and came to another place with three branching off.

"Let's go left!" Steven shouted.

"We should keep to the right," Marcus replied.

"Yeah well my stone is the brightest!" Steven shouted back.

"Stop shouting!" Karin shouted. "Wait what?"

"It is!" Lynda said in shock, the hallway was basically illuminated in purple. "The further we got the brighter his got, maybe they're each directing us to a different exit? Maybe we should split up?"

"That's crazy! We can't split up!" Karin refused.

"Maybe we have to, I'm going right," Marcus said. Leaving without any other thought.

"To the left!" Steven shouted, running his own way.

"I'll head back, you continue straight," Karin said in frustration.

"See ya," Lynda replied.

"Bye," Karin replied.

Lynda continued forwards, she found it strange how her rock was glowing, almost like it had been coloured with a green highlighter.

As she progressed her stone would glow more some ways, less others showing she should turn back.

Eventually she reached a wall with a slot about the stone's size in it, she jumped up and pushed the stone in revealing a short pathway.

She walked through to see Marcus inside.

"How did the right wall do you?" she asked.

"Got here first, didn't I?" he commented. "A few minutes ago I heard Steven run by his door at full speed. Didn't even see it."

"Are you serious?" Lynda replied. Suddenly something crashed to the ground.

"I found it!" Steven shouted, he was breathing heavily.

"Were you running that whole time?" Lynda asked.

"Yeah... why wouldn't I?" he said, pausing to take a breath.

Marcus looked like he wanted to shout at him but was holding back as to not offend him.

Suddenly Karin walked down her hallway.

"I literally walked by like three times," Karin said in frustration.

"Well what now?" Lynda asked.

As if in response the room lowered like an elevator, sealing off the passageways and raising them up.


Back to Field One Chapter Three!

Now you may think all of these are just old chapters because I'm lazy...

No it just fits the book (and I really enjoy these ones and feel they need a little more spotlight)

There will be brand new tests I will add, there will be old ones.

Another of my personal favourites is next, tell me if there are any you're hoping to see reappear and if they fit the Field, I just might bring them back!

By the way this should've been up yesterday xD

Have a great day or remainder of day


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