Field 6- Chapter 6

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Griffin stared on in shock. Not only was he out of the wall, but Preston remembered him and his name.

Rob... so that was his name. After they put his program, which was supposed to stay a program, into the system they had decided to call him Circuit and removed his previous data from the system. So there was no way they could've even known his name.

But even after everyone seemed to be recounting and introducing each other Griffen was confused why Circuit, or Rob, hadn't pointed him out to them.

Did he think Griffin had changed? He was an enemy of the company and on their side now? That was completely possible. But it was wrong, Griffin was sure if he could find his way away from this group Parker would let him work for the company again, she wouldn't make him be tested on now that he'd been in a Project.

Or so he could hope. Maybe they would see him as more useful to the Projects than behind the screen.

"So you all... were in our Project?" A girl asked. She was wearing a white shirt with two green stripes at the bottom and black jeans. She had long brown hair and Griffin vaguely recognized her as the girl from the green room from Project Nether, back when they set up Field one, they were supposed to be the last group.

"I guess, maybe, there were like lasers and this bouncy floor room and stuff like that!" Jack said smiling.

"Are you who they replaced me with?" another girl asked, she was the successful project cat DNA but she escaped before they could do anything.

"Yup! I guess so, I'm Jack," he replied holding a hand out towards her.

"I'm Lucy," she replied. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry? For what?" Jack asked.

"For putting you through that, because I got out they had to put you through everything," she explained.

"Hey, it's fine! I'm really cool now! I should thank you! The two of us are cool together!" he said energetically. He'd almost seemed to have recovered from the Project.

"So. What about you two?" A voice asked inside Griffin's head, he looked around to the the Project Telepathy pointing at himself and Lora.

"That's Tylor, he was from Project Telepathy," someone said. I looked over to see the Project weak telepathy.

"I don't want to be here and he was a failure," Lora explained.

"Wait... you guys remember where you came from!" the Project Enhanced Speed shouted in excitement. "The rest of them always forgot at the start of each time they were put back into the Project."

The red-haired boy from Project Nether caught Griffin's attention, meaning that all other recent Project Nether people were there except him.

"Ryly, try to find Chairen," Tylor said. The girl with cloth over her eyes nodded and ran down the hallway. She was the project echolocation, the blind and mute girl.

"So Tylor and, Ryly you said, are you both mutes?" Jack asked.

"Well, Tylor is, but Ryly is just really quiet so she doesn't talk. She only spoke to Chairen ever then he was put into Project Nether again and now he's really different and more distant from us but Ryly and him only slightly talk now and he's maybe sorta getting back to normal," the boy explained. "By the way, I'm Zippi Martins! And this is Marc, my brother!"

"We're saying brothers? This is my brother Steven!" the Project weak telekinesis said. "And I'm Ezzolyn, call me Ezzy! Project weak telekinesis."

They finished introductions but Griffin had barely been paying attention until the project echolocation girl returned with the red haired boy from Project Nether.

"This is Chairen, he forgot but he created this place, he was the first one out of his Project," Tylor explained.

Chairen looked uncomfortable. He looked scared, worried and nervous. Griffin almost felt bad for him, it was their fault he ended up back in his Project and forgot about everything he'd become.

"S-so, we're underneath the facility?" Griffin asked.

"Yeah, but don't worry, it's completely undetectable. We're safe down here," Lynda explained. "Griffin, you look worried, is everything alright?"

"Uh..." he mumbled, searching for a response. "Y-yeah, it's fine. What if they do find us? I-I don't want something to happen to me. I-I m-mean, I was a failed Project..."

Griffin's real dream in life was always to become an actor, not a scientist. But he got stuck there and it was either test, or be tested on.

"Me and Lucy'll make something for us to eat, I suppose you four are hungry?" Ezzolyn suggested.

Lora's eyes seemed to light up for a split second at the mention of food.

"Regardless, I could go for something," Lynda replied.

"Let's go!" Ezzolyn shouted, pulling Lucy down the hallway.

"I swear they like each other," Mabel said crossing her arms and smirking.

"Oh definitely," Karin replied.

"They're not as cute together as Tylor and the Zipster though," Lynda joked. A blush broke out on Zippi's face.

"Shut up Lynda," Tylor said. "Not gonna lie, it's true though."

"There are two homosexual relationships down here?" Lora asked.

"Well, one and then those two, does that bother you?" Marcus said, gesturing with his hand down the hallway and frowning to Lora.

"No, no it doesn't at all," Lora replied.

"I'll show you four around," Lynda suggested. As they left into the hallway, Griffin thought he could hear Lora say "I'm home" under her breath, but he dismissed it as his brain playing tricks on him. That didn't sound like something Lora would've said.


Hey again! I finally got this chapter out, it actually took a while for me to write <3

But ~950 words! That seems really nice considering the long wait.

I got some ideas I've been planning since Field 2 or 3, if you can't tell what those are xD

Also, if you don't keep up with my Art Etcetera book, please just go read what should be my second last chapter, "Please Read This <3" because I'd like to repeat that here but it was a rather long chapter and doesn't fit in this book.

Have a great day or remainder of day <3


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