James Imagine "Yes or No"

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A/N Sorry for the wait @itsrusheryela16 here's your imagine


You and you boyfriend James Maslow yes James Maslow in Big Time Rush. Moved in together since you two been going out for almost tow years. You never pictured yourself moving in with James you always pictured you and James as best friends but not as boyfriend and girlfriend moving in together. James was at the gym so you decided to make dinner since he will be home soon. While you were making dinner you feel someone hug you form behind you turn around and see James you hug him back and continue to make dinner when all the lights go off and you can't see a thing. "JAMES TURN ON THE LIGHTS" you yell. You see James coming to you hold a flash light. "I didn't turn the lights off I think it was just a power outage" James said. "What are we going to do then I can't finish cooking with no lights" you said. "Let's order something Chinese or Pizza". "Pizza" you yelled. "Alright get some candles from the cabinet and light then up and I'll order the pizza" James said you nodded I did what he said. You on the couch with James for about 20 minutes and the pizza comes. You and James eat the pizza and talk. You fall asleep on James's chest listening to his heart beat. You wake up the next morning on the couch. You get without waking up James and check with the power is back it is so you shower go and make breakfast. James wakes up and goes to take a shower. You and him sit down and have breakfast. "We're going to the beach with the guys and Alexa so go get dress" James said. You nod you picked out a white bikini with white sandals, and you put on a dress as a cover up, with a hat, and a good bracelet, and you put a towel and other things in a bag that James got you for your birthday, you left your hair down. You put some waterproof eyeliner that's blue. You get done and went down to find James waiting for you. "Ready to go James asks you" you nod. James open the car door for you it was just a 10 minute drive to the beach. Your finally there you look around and see no one at here and find flowers on the sand you turn to James and he just shrugs while walking you see Kendall holding a sign that reads "Will", Logan was holding a sign that read "You", Carlos was holding a song that read "Marry", and Alexa was holding a sing that say "Me". Next to Alexa was James on one keen holding a ring you start crying and nod. Now you are going to be Mrs.Maslow.


A/N I hope you like I uploaded the picture of the outfit

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