Kendall Imagine "I only love you"

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A/N This is a requested imagine for @camilleschmidt71999 I hope you like it. Sorry if there is any mistakes I write on my phone.


You were at the club with your boyfriend Kendall, James and Halston, (A/N I know James an Halston broke up but let's say they still go out.) Carlos and Alexa, Logan and Y/F/N. The guys were going on tour soon, so you guys decided to go to your favorite club and because its your birthday. You don't have any close family because they kicked you out, due to the fact they didn't like Kendall. You didn't want to break up with him because he saved you. You were falling apart, you were self harming your family didn't really care, but Kendall. How you and Kendall met.


You went to a BTR concert because you were helping your best friend baby sit and you were forced by her. She was like your sister. She didn't won't you to stay home so she took you. She had 3 VIP passes. It was time for the guys to pick their worldwide girls. "It's not a Big Time Rush concert if we don't sing or pick our worldwide girls" Carlos said every girl starts to scream. The guys get off stage to pick their worldwide girls Kendall was walking down the aisle you were in, he stops next to you and holds out his hand you take his hand and go up with him on stage. You sit next to Kendall shocked because you always had a crush on him. " What's your name" he asks you " Y/N" you say he nods. You try to hind your cuts from Kendall but near the end of worldwide he takes your hand in his and looks down and sees your cuts. Well makeup didn't hind them you say to yourself. Kendall looks up and smiles worldwide came to an end and Kendall pulls you to the side and says "Y/N please stop you are beautiful the most beautiful girl I seen please stop for me" tears form and they fall down, Kendall wipes them off wit his thumb and pulls you into a hug. He takes you back to seat and says "Stop for me" and pulls you back into a hug, all you here is the crowed saying "awwwwww" you blush. Kendall leaves you to finish the concert.


You and your friend and her cousin are waiting in line for the M&G. It's finally your turn, you guys were the last in line. Kendall sees you and waves, you blush. Your friends little cousin run to Carlos because he's her favorite your friend is behind her making sure she doesn't run off or fall. Logan, James, and Halston are talking while your talking to Kendall. He ends up giving you his number and asked you out you said yes. Logan started flirting with Y/F/N. James is talking to Halston. And Carlos and Alexa are playing with Emma. ( A/N let's just say that's the baby's name) You all say goodbye and leave. That's how you and Kendall met.


You had to go to the bathroom, so you excused. You go fix your makeup, and your hair. When you get out you see Kendall kissing and dancing with a girl. Your heart breaks you go Find the guys and tell them your leavening

"Wait Y/N why are you leaving we didn't even cut your cake" Logan says he's like your big brother. "I can't stay" you say and point to Kendall and just ran out "WAIT Y/N" Logan says, you just ignore him and run out. It's was pouring ran. Logan gets the drunk girl off Kendall and tells Kendall why you left Kendall runs outside to find, he sees you running "Y/N stop running let me explain" Kendall yells. You stop and turn and face Kendall " KENDALL there is noting to explain you were making out with a girl I get it you want to break up its-" you didn't even finish and see Kendall's lips on yours, you stayed kissing for a good 10 seconds. "I went to get your cake but a drunk girl comes up to me and starts kissing I couldn't break away please forgive me" Kendall says, you nodded and kiss him again. Kissing under the rain I can cross that off my bucket list you say to yourself. You and Kendall go back to the club the finish the party


A/N I hoped you liked it I wrote it at 2 am I couldn't sleep but anyways I hope you like it. Iknow M&G are before the concert but lets just say its after the concert Xoxo😘❤

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