Logan Imagine "Lifesaver"

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Your P.O.V

I just got back from the gym and took a quick shower I slipped into a pair of shorts, a coral pink tank top, matching sandals. I grabbed my bag and got my white sunglasses. I got my car keys and went to pick up my 7 year old niece from camp. I put in her favorite CD 24/7 by Big Time Rush, BTR is her obsession. I got to the camp just in time

"Aunt Y/N" Rosie said

"Hey love, how was camp" I asked her

"It was so much fun I can't wait till next summer" Rosie said

"Okay come on let's get in the car" I said she got in the car and put her seatbelt on. I started the car "What do you want to do today Rosie" I asked her

"Can we go to the park, then to get ice cream, then can we watch BTR please" she said I smiled and nodded "We are here" she got out of the car I shut the door and locked the car. I went to swing her. After 6 minutes of swinging her. She got off and ran where she saw two dogs. She ran to them "Rosie wait Rosie. Don't run away like that" I told her "I'm sorry Aunt Y/N but this puppy looks like James's dog and this one looks like Sydney Carlos'a dog" Rosie said "That is one smart Rusher" A guy said Rosie turned around and saw Carlos and Alexa "I love you Carlos can I have a hug" Rosie asked "I love you too" Carlos said and be opened his arms for the hug "Carlos, did you find Sydney and Fox" James said wait to Carlos with Halston "No but this amazing Rusher did with her mom" Carlos said I laughed "I'm single and I'm don't have a kid and that amazing Rusher is my baby niece" I replied "Where's the other two boys" I asked Carlos that's holding Rosie he turned around right there Rosie looked at the other boys coming and ran to Kendall "Sorry Carlos I think she likes Kendall more" James said I started to talk to Alexa and Halston then Kendall and Logan came "Logan that's my aunt she likes you and thinks your cute" Rosie said I started to laugh "Thank you Rosie" I said "Well if it helps I think your aunt is pretty" Logan said looking me I smiled "thank you" I said Logan nodded "I'm sorry my name is Y/N by the way" I said "Rosie can I take a picture with you" Kendall asked her she nodded "Aunt Y/N can you take a picture of me and Kendall" Rosie said I nodded Kendall handed me his phone and snapped a picture of Kendall kissing Rosie on the cheek and a normal one of both of then smiling. "Thank you Rosie lets upload this to my twitter and Instagram" Kendall said "Taylor do you have a Instagram and Twitter" I nodded and told him it. "You look lonely" Logan told me I smiled "I think someone need a hug" Logan opened his arms and pulled me into a hug Carlos took a picture "Please don't upload it to Instagram or twitter" I told Carlos he nodded "Aunt Y/N can we go to the ice cream shop now I want to go with Kendall and Carlos and James and Logan and Alexa and Halston" Rosie said "We can go but it's up to the other guys if they want to join" I told her "We're in" Alexa said "Looks like we are going to eat ice cream" I said We walked to the ice cream shop Kendall walked with Rosie Carlos and Alexa walked together and James and Halston walked together and Logan held my hand and walked with me. I smiled. We got the shop and everyone order what they wanted and went to their sets. While me and Logan were waiting for the order to get done. Logan put his arm around me. "Get your hands off my girlfriend" someone said I turned to see my ex boyfriend that abused and raped me "He's your boyfriend" Logan asked me "No my ex" I said when "I said get your hands off my girlfriend" Joe my ex said "Joe leave now I'm not your girlfriend" I yelled Rosie told Kendall and they other guys who he is and she started to cry Kendall stopped her and held her James dialed 911 in case an fight goes on and Carlos was with Rosie claiming her down

"What did you say" Joe yelled.

"I said I'm not your girlfriend" I yelled I hugged Logan when all of a sudden I felt someone slap me

"Don't touch her" Logan yelled I started to cry

"Oh okay I won't" Joe said He pushed me on the floor and started to hit me Logan was pushing him away but he couldn't James tried but Joe punched him "Police get off the girl and put your hands in the air" a officer said but Joe didn't listen he kept hitting me a officer pushed him off and handcuffed him and took him away and all of a sudden everything went black.





What is that noise




I opened my eyes and saw I was in a white room

"Y/N your awake thank God" Logan said

"Logan, where is Rosie is she okay" I said

"She is with Kendall,James, Halston and Fox outside playing and Carlos and Alexa are getting you a change of clothes for when you wake up" Logan said I nodded

"Oh Miss. (Y/L/N) I see you waked up you can leave when you want to you made a full recovery in these past 5 days there are some officers in the wanting to ask you some questions I will send them in for you" the doctor said "Thank you" I said the doctor left the room and 2 officers came in "Hello Miss. (Y/L/N) I'm Officer Wilden and I just want to ask you who is Joe what did he do to and to be safe he is locked up in jail for a life time he killed some girls and kidnapped one" the Officer said "Joe was my ex he would rap me and abused me and would make me cut myself and I had a eating disorder because he forced me to stop eating and if I eat he would make me throw up. And he killed my own mom in front of me and my sister and her 7 year old daughter" I said. The officer nodded "Thank you Y/N you are perfect and you won't be worrying about seeing him forever I'm glad to see you back and healthy" The officer said and left

"I didn't know I'm sorry" Logan said

"It's okay I love you Logan" I said

"I love you too Y/N" Logan said kissing me

"So does that's make us a couple" I asked Logan he nodded a nurse came in and unhooked the me and left.

Carlos and Alexa came in

"Hey girl I got you a change of clothes" Alexa said handing me the clothes I got up and went to the bathroom and changed.

"Aunt Y/N" Rosie said running to me

"Hey" I said

"Kendall has a girlfriend and you love her it's Lucy Hale look" Rosie said

"Hi I'm Lucy Kendall's girlfriend" Lucy Hale said

"I'm Taylor Logan's girlfriend it's so nice to meet you" I said. We all left the the hospital and went to James's house and had a BBQ it was a blast.

~The End~


A/N I hoped you guys liked it. I'm going to update 2 times every 2 weeks till I start school yay lol. Yes Wilden is from pretty little liars.😂

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