Carlos Imagine "We meet on a airplane"

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"Baby, when they look up at the sky

We'll be shooting stars just passing by

You'll be coming home with me tonight

We'll be burning up like neon lights"

Neon lights by Demi Lovato started to play. I looked at my alarm and checked the time it was 7am. I jumped out of bed, and headed to take a shower. Today was the day I leave NYC to go to LA I was so excited. I finally get to see my brother Jackson Guthy, yes the famous Jackson Guthy. I took a shower and put on my my leggings, a cute blue loose tank top, a infinity scarf, I wore my boots, and throw a hoodie, sandals, and whole new outfit, a black crop top, with a white high low skirt, a belt and sunglasses in my black tote bag. I throw my hair up in a messy bun. I really didn't do my makeup because I don't like wearing makeup.

So sick of a broken heart

I think I need a new start

I should be heading back home

To spend some time alone

You hypnotize my soul

I think I should roll, roll, roll, roll, roll

Roll by Jackson was playing that's my ringtone for Jackson. I quickly answered the phone.


YOU ~Hello

JACKSON~ Hey are you excited to come to LA

YOU~ Yes I just got done getting ready, I'm leaving in about 20 minutes

JACKSON~ Alright I'll see you soon bye

And with that he ended the phone call I went to the car my mom was waiting in the car."Are you ready" my mom asked me, I nodded we got to the airport 10 minutes later. "You have your ticket and passport, be safe, and call me when you get there. I love you, I'll miss you." my mom said. "I love you too I'll call you I'm going to miss you" I said, we hugged and with that being said my flight was called I took one more look at my mom and smiled. I got to the plane. I took my seat and put in my earphones in and started to listen to music.

"Hi" some guy said tapping on my shoulder.

"Sorry I didn't hear you" I said embarrassed

" It's okay, looks like we are sitting next to each other, are you going to LA" he said to me

" Yep" I said smiling "I'm sorry my name is(Y/N)"

"I'm Carlos Pena, It's nice meeting you" he said

"Your Carlos from BTR" I asked trying not to act like a stalker

"Yep, and that's Kendall, James, and Logan" he said they all waved

" It's nice to meet you guys" I said

" Are you a fan " Kendall asked me

"Yes, I love you music" I said

" That's cool whats your favorite song" Logan said

" Nothing even matters and Amazing" I said

" Nothing even matters the memories do you have a favorite member" James said

" I love you all" I said they all smiled. We talked to whole plane ride. Our food come I spilled my drink all over me I got up and went to get my bag but Carlos got up before me and handed me it "Here you go love" Carlos said "Thank you" I said I went to the bathroom and changed to a whole new outfit, my hair was a mess I bushed it and put it in a high ponytail I put all my stuff in my bag and left the bathroom I got back to my seat "You look beautiful" Carlos said I blushed

"AWWWW shes blushing someone has a crush on Carlos" Logan said

" Shut up Logan" I said, all the guys laughed "Please put your seat belts on we will be landing in 3 minutes" The pilot said. We landed I walked out the plane with the guys and we went to the bag claiming thing. "Mommy, Mommy that's Big Time Rush" said a little girl running to hug Carlos.Carlos opened his arms for the little girl and spun her around. "Can we take a picture" the little girl asked the guys nodded. Carlos handed me his phone and I took the picture him. " I'm sorry, she loves you guys" the little girls mom said "We love our fans don't be sorry" James said the little girl come ruining to me and giving me hug I held her. "Can I have a picture with you please" the little girl asked I smiled and nodded her mom took the picture with her phone and Carlos took a picture with his "Thank you" the little girl said "Your welcome sweetie" "Your good with kids" Kendall said "I used to baby sit that's when I'm good with them" Hold on (Y/N)" Carlos said he handed James his phone "Smile" James said me and Carlos took a picture together then I took one with all the boys. "Do you have a Instagram" Carlos asked I nodded and told him my Instagram. He upload the picture to Instagram and twitter we start walking outside the airport. I saw Jackson he came walking towards me.

"Long time no see Y/N I miss you and i see you met BTR" Jackson said

"Who's hunger" Jackson said we were all hunger we went to in and out burger and talked.

"Be my girlfriend" Carlos said

"I would love to" I said


A/N I hoped you guys liked it I put all the pictures of the outfits I'm trying to update once every week thank you guys<3 I couldnt upload both outfits sohere is the link to the second

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