Kendall imagine "Suddnely"

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"Honey wake up you going to be late for the your cousin party" my mom said. "Fine I'm up" I yelled I got up and changed into to a bikini and a tank top with lace shorts. I put my hair into a high ponytail . I didn't even worry about putting on any makeup. "I'm not staying long mom" I told my mom while going to the kitchen. "I know you aren't just be safe" my mom said I nodded. I left the house and started to walk to the pool party, it wasn't a long walk. About 10 minutes of walking I arrived at the party. "Hey you came" my cousin said walking towards me. "Yeah I just wanted to give you your gift I'm not really in the mood to stay" I said handing her gift. "Okay thank you" he said. I nodded and left I started to walk to the to the beach which was a 5 minute walk. Not a lot of people where there. Finally no one to bother me, I took off my sandals, shorts and shirt. I put them in my bag near a rock. I went in the water stayed in there for what seems forever. "Your in the deep side of the water you will drown" I looked around and saw 3 girls and 4 boys. "The only person the will drown is you" I said "Kendall what do you have to say to that" one of the boys said. "I have nothing but when she drowns I won't be the one to save her" he said. "Whatever" I said turning around and swinging away from them. "Great job Kendall" a girl said. Next thing I knew all 3 girls were next to me. "We're sorry about what the boys said" one of the girls said to me. "It's fine I get it". "I'm Halston and this Alexa and Demi" Halston said pointing to the girls. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Y/N I should be going bye" I said. I started to swim back. I saw a guy playing a guitar. I dried myself and put on my shirt and shorts. "Your really good" I said to the guy. "Thank you I'm Dustin" he said putting down the guitar "it's nice to meet you I'm Y/N" I said sitting on the sand. "You play" Dustin asked me. I nodded "Show me your skills" he said while handed me the guitar. I grabbed the guitar and started to play it I started to sing.

"Suddenly I, am in front of the lights

Everything, I'm feeling

Scary and beautiful at the same time

And every day I try just to breathe

I want to show the whole world

The truth inside of me

Suddenly people know my name

Suddenly everything has changed

Suddenly I feel so alive

In the blink of an eye

My dreams begin to rain

Suddenly time, feels like the wind

It changes everywhere I go

I'm just trying to fit in

Now here I stand

And I'm still just that girl

I'm following my heart

In this amazing crazy world

Suddenly people know my name

Suddenly everything has changed

Suddenly I feel so alive

In the blink of an eye

Suddenly I am center stage

Suddenly I am not afraid

Suddenly I believe again

In a blink of an eye it's happening now

As my dreams begin to rain

I want to say to love me for me

What's inside

I'm gonna be positive, not run away, so much for you

This is my life

Suddenly I am center stage

Suddenly I am not afraid

Suddenly I believe again

In the blink of an eye

My dreams begin to reign"

When I got done I heard people clapping. "Wow your really good Y/N" Alexa said "Thanks Alexa". "You got talent" Kendall I think that's his said. "Wow coming from the person that said they won't save me if I drown it means a lot" I said. They all started to laugh "Yeah I'm sorry." "It's okay". "I'm Kendall, this is Carlos and his girlfriend Alexa, James and his girlfriend Halston and that's Logan and his girlfriend Demi" Kendall said. "I know you guys are BTR and Demi and Alexa and Halston love you girls."

"Did you write the song you were playing" James asked.

"Yeah it's really nothing" I said

"It's something you got your really talented" Kendall told me.

"You should get a recorded deal" Carlos said.

"Carlos your funny" I said.

"Y/N he wasn't joking" Logan told me. "Girl you got talent" Demi said.

"Thank you Demi it means a lot.

"Would you like be the opening act for out Summer break tour you can come to the studio tomorrow and we will talk to our manger " James said.

"OMG yes I would love to."

Alexa, Demi ,and Halston ran to me and we started to jump up and down. Carlos snapped a picture and tweeted "They wouldn't let me join them jumping up and down Los sad."

"I'm going for a walk I'll be back in a little bit" I said getting up. I was walking when I feel some wrap their arms around me

"Guess who."

"Kendall" I said he let go. "Your annoying Kendall" I said

"I know I know and you are pretty" Kendall said I smiled

"Y/N I know we just met but I really like you that's why I told be careful in the water I just wanted to talk to you your gorgeous in every way will you be my crazy adorable girlfriend" Kendall asked

"Kendall your really sweet I would love to be your girlfriend but" I said

"But what" Kendall said confused

"You have to give me a piggy bank ride because I'm to lazy to walk back" I said "Come on" Kendall said he give me the piggy bank ride he out me down and put hue arm around my waste we were about to sit down Carlos yelled wait we stopped "Hug each other" Carlos said pulling out his phone "Lets go" we hug and Carlos snaps the picture. "What's your number" Carlos asked me I gave everyone my number and they gave theirs "what's your twitter" I told them my twitter and Instagram and next minute I get a twitter and Instagram notification saying they all followed me but Logan on Instagram since he doesn't have one. "@HeffronDrive mentioned you in a tweet "My new girl @Y/T/N i love you thank you Carlos for the picture." I read it out loud and gave Kendall a kiss. I went on my twitter and tweeted "@HeffronDrive saved his name under Spider-Man only him I love you Spider-Man" Kendall RTed the tweet and replayed "I Love You too babe" I RTed Kendall's tweet "Let's make s'mores" Carlos said full of excitement. We started to talk and make s'mores for hours. "It's midnight I should go home" I said "We should all go"Alexa said we all nodded we all cleaned up our spot. Kendall hugged me from behind while we were walking. "Y/N where's your car" Carlos asked me "I don't have one I'm walking". "Your not walking Carlos will drive you come on" Kendall said. Dustin, Alexa, Kendall, and me both took Carlos's car and James, Demi, Halston, and Logan took Logan's car. It was a 6 minute drive to my house. "Thank you guys" they nodded "I will pick you up tomorrow at 3 to meet the guys at the studio" Alexa said I nodded. Kendall walked me to the door. "Goodnight kiss" Kendall said I nodded and give him a small kiss and went in my house and Kendall went back to the car.



A/N this is my third time writting because my phone doesn't like me. I hoped you guys liked this imagine it was requested. Goodnight guys I love you xoxoxo

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