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Takes place in the fourth age, 56

A warm smell drifts into the sitting room. I lay the book I'm reading down and I slowly walk into the kitchen. Rosie, my lovely wife, is standing over the stove. I walk up to her and lay an arm around her.

"Rosie, is that taters I smell?"

She turns and gives me a beautiful smile.

"Elanor, and the children are coming over, so I'm making a special dinner"

I laugh and reply, "Your dinners are always special."

I feel my back starting to ache so I make my way to the large oak kitchen table and have a seat. I watch a while as Rosie bustles around the kitchen. She soon brings a large bowl to the table. As she has her back to me I lean over a bit to have a look. "Gamgee Garden surprise" I say to me self. I stick my finger into the bowl only to find a wooden spoon being gently tapped over my hand.

"Wait for lunch Sam."

I pull back my hand. "I was only tasting it."

"I've already tasted it, I don't need a second opinion ."

I sigh and sit back down. Rosie continues to lay the table with all sorts of food, loaf of baked chicken, hot buttery rolls and a Hobbiton Berry pie.

Suddenly we hear a knock on the door. I look over at Rosie and she gives me an excited grin and rushes, as quickly as she can, to the front door. I join her and we greet our daughter and her family.

The time rushes by so quickly that before we know it the table is cleared and we are all sitting around the fireplace. I have my favorite armchair and a little grandbaby on my lap. I turn my head to look out at the window into the cold darkness. My mind instantly travels back to those hard sleepless nights on the road to Mordor. Spent half my nights watching over Mr. Frodo and the other half keeping a suspicious eye on that creature Gollum. I shudder a bit and am brought back to the present.

"Are you alright Papa?"

I smile at my daughter Elanor and nod. "Oh yes, I'm alright. Just deep in thought I suppose."

The little one on my lap looks up at me with serious expression. "Whatcha thinking about?"

I reach over and pick up my book I was reading earlier. "This m'boy, has been on my mind all day."

"Oh isn't that the story Mr. Frodo wrote? Please read it to us!" One of the little ones on the floor squeals and rushes over to sit at the foot of my armchair.

"Isn't that the same make believe story you read to us all those years ago?"

I gasp and lay a hand over my heart. "Don't be stoppen an old hobbit's drum- make believe indeed! Course it's true, Mr. Frodo wrote it himself and he don't have a lying bone in 'em!

Elanor shrugs. "Sorry papa, it just, magic rings and a creature as hideous as Gollum is a little far fetched sounding."

I frown. "Far fetched it may seem, but all true, as true as the nose on your face."

"Is all of the story in that one book?"

I look down at the tot on my lap and I feel a grin spread over my face.

"Aye lad, it's all in there," I pause. "Except-"

I feel all eyes on me and Rosie exclaims, "Except what?"

"There are a few parts Mr. Frodo left out."


"Mr. Frodo, a good soul he is, felt it not right to add in some of the details, didn't want to shame his dear uncle Bilbo, him knowing what awful power the Ring can do to one's mind."

"Tell us the story!" Both little ones shout out.

I smile and set the book down again. I close my eyes- picturing it all as if it were but yesterday.

"Ah, Rivendell- the Last Homely House, That is where this particular tale begins. The tale of Bilbo and the Ring.


Hey everyone! Please comment and let me know what you think. I've never written a fan fiction before. If you all didn't guess this part is in Sam's point or view. I will try to update this story regularly, but no promises. Hope you all enjoy it!

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