Part IV- The Road to Lothlorien

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The fellowship left Rivendell the following morning while it was still quite dark. There was a cold wind that made the darkness seem desolate. The party was quiet as we left Rivendell, for you see, once you've set foot inside, you are reluctant to ever leave again.

We traveled on for a couple of hours  until the darkness began to fade and a sunrise of orange and pink shone through. When it was light enough, Merry and Pippin began collecting wood along the way for a fire. They were more than ready for breakfast.

Before long we all stopped on a rocky hill next to a stream. While I tended the fire, Legolas caught some fish from the stream and gave them to me to cook. Gandalf and Aragorn discussed to route. Gimli and Boromir sat with Merry and Pippin filling their heads with dark tales of Lothlorien. I watched as Frodo sat off by himself.

The aroma of cooked fish filled the air and everyone gathered around, eager to eat.

After the meal it was time to head out again. Legolas took the lead scouting ahead while the group traveled single file. Suddenly Frodo hurried up to where Gandalf was.

"There is something I just thought of."

"What would that be?"

"We are no longer being chased by the black riders. Are we?"

"It would appear that way." Returned the wizard.


"I believe it has something to do with the Ring. Or lack thereof."

Frodo nodded and walked on in silence.

"How far would you say we've come?" Pippin asked to nobody in particular.

"Each step is a step closer." huffed Gandalf.

Pippin looked down at his feet and shruged.

"We will make it there tomorrow afternoon." Aragorn said gently.

The day went on. Making another stop then finally resting for the night under a large hollowed out tree trunk that had fallen done some years ago.

As they all sat around a warm fire, a certain topic was discussed that had been on everyones mind. How would they catch Bilbo?

"Prehaps we could set a trap of sorts." Suggested Boromir.

"No one will hurt him!" Exclaimed Frodo.

"Of course not." Assured Gandalf.

The party thought quietly for a bit until Aragorn announced, "I'll take the first watch tonight. "

"Why? We aren't being followed. Are we?" I asked.

"Always best to be ready for the unexpected." Responded Gandalf.

The hobbits fell asleep a little worried about possible attackers. Halfway through the night Aragorn woke Legolas up to take the next watch.

Just before dawn the group was awakened by a hideous shrill shriek that made their blood run cold.

"Black riders!" Exclaimed Frodo.

Legolas shushed him and silently stood and listened. It didn't take powerful elf ears to hear the horses furiously racing down the path and coming closer. Everyone held their breath as the nightmarish creatures sped by, not taking notice of the terrified party. They waited a bit after they were gone from sight.

"Where are they headed?" Asked Gimli.

"The Ring calls to them." Gandalf answered.

"Bilbo." Frodo said in a small whisper.

"He must be close." Said Merry.

"A bit too close" Boromir replied.

"Come on. We need to get going." Aragorn said as he stood.

"But- the black riders." I said fearfully.
"Are not concerned with us. Only the Ring." Gandalf said curtly.

With that we ate a cold breakfast of hard jerky and headed out once more.


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