Part VI- The Road to Mirkwood

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Legolas and Aragorn continued to lead the way. Followed by Gandalf, Frodo, myself, Merry, Pippin, Gimli, and lastly Boromir. We traveled swiftly, knowing Bilbo was well ahead of us. We had traveled a great many miles when Boromir spoke up,

"Let's have a rest. I'm worn down, and I'm sure the little ones are as well."

I shot a look at him. "Little ones indeed!" I said to me self.

Gandalf turned to glance at us hobbits then called up to Legolas, "We shall rest here a moment!"

Boromir let out a breath and smiled. "Yes, thank you!"

As we all sat down I opened my bag and handed each person a bit of bread and some dried fruit. Pippin and Merry examined the meager meal and exchanged glances.

Aragorn said to them, "Adventures are full of little rests, little sleep, and little food."

"Aye, it's not the life for everyone, that's for sure!" added in Gimli.

Legolas, wisely, said nothing to this. Although it did occur to him to ask why the dwarf was here, if adventures are not for everyone.

Frodo looked to Gandalf and bluntly asked him, "Are we ever going to find Bilbo?"

Gandalf waited a minuet then replied, "It is not for us to know the future."

"What kind of an answer is that?" Spat out Boromir.

The wizard looked the man dead in the eye. "The only answer I can give at the moment."

"Maybe we will meet him in the mines! Bilbo has never been to the Iron Hills." Merry chirped in.

"And I have!" Gimli said proudly. "I can guide us through and we will catch the hobbit yet."

"Have we already counted the Woodland Realm as a loss?" Legolas asked with an edge in his voice.

No one had an answer for that so we eat in silence then headed out again. That evening we stopped within eye view of Mirkwood forest. As I looked upon that dreaded forest I shivered, remembering all of the tales Bilbo told us of Mirkwood, the winding paths that made the company lose all senses, the horrid spiders, and being captured by those wood elves.

I suddenly turned to Legolas and exclaimed, "You are a wood elf!"

He smiled, "Last time I checked."

"Then you can get us through the forest safety!"

Legolas nodded.

We settled on a grassy meadow and built a fire in which we cooked a nice size rabbit that Aragorn had hunted earlier that day. While we ate, Gandalf looked through Bilbo's poems and chuckled to himself.

Frodo heard the sound and asked, "What is it Gandalf?"

"Your uncle. He is still quite good at riddles."

Frodo smiled sadly, "He always loved riddles."

I jerked my head up to correct my friend, "Loves, not loved Mr. Frodo, don't give up hope."

Frodo sad nothing and settled down under a blanket.

"That hobbit is having a bit of fun with us. Leaving those riddles." Gimli gruffed.

"It shows there is hope yet for him, it's as if he wants us to find him." Aragorn said.

Boromir took the first watch that night and Gimli the other half of the night. The evening was quiet and peaceful. Some would say it was too peaceful.


Hey guys! I know I said the next two chapters would get more serious. It will be another couple parts. I appreciate all of the views, votes and comments. It means a lot!  

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