Part XIII- A Fond Farewell

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We gave Legolas space while he mourned Taureil's death. No one felt much like hurrying to find Bilbo. We were unsure what to do while Legolas sat off by himself. Finally Aragorn said,

"We shall stay here tonight; have a hearty, warm dinner and rest."

We nodded our agreement. Boromir went off with Aragorn to hunt. I tended the fire. As the flames began to spark so did my memory of Tauriel when she asked me to start the fire. I laughed a bit at the memory of her meal she cooked. In between the chuckles, unguarded tears feel into the sparks,  putting out the small flame.

I felt someone was watching me. I wiped my eyes and said, "Must have been a bit of wind."

"You're not one to lie, Samwise Gamgee."

I turned to see Gandalf standing behind me.

"This day is for Legolas to grieve, not mine."

Gandalf sat down beside me. "Never in all my wanderings have I meant a soul as unselfish as yours."

I shrugged, not sure how to respond from such kind words from a wizard.

"Grief is not something to be felt by one person at a time. All those who loved her should be grieving now." Continued Gandalf 

I nod and began to build the fire again. Gandalf sat along side me blowing on his pipe.

Aragorn and Boromir come back with a good size elk.

"Is the fire not ready yet?" Boromir asks.

"A bit of wind got in the way, all is well now." Gandalf said.

I smiled to myself. Before long we had to elk cleaned and cooking over the fire. The aroma filled the evening air. As the sun began to set an explosion of oranges and red color filled the sky. As it cooked Legolas stiffly walked over and sat down on a log. No one said anything.

"Tonight we shall have the funeral. Under the stars. We shall continue our journey in the morning" Legolas announced.

"Excellent idea" Gandalf encouraged.

Legolas nodded, stood and went back to where he had been sitting. We hobbits sat around the fire as a slight breeze stirred around.

"What do you think Bilbo is doing right now?" Frodo asked

"I'd say he has been to the Iron Hills, taken the reaming rings, never to be caught again." Gimli grumbled.

Aragorn shot him a disapproving look. "Bilbo could be anywhere right now, even here, with us."

Frodo looked up, startled at the idea of his uncle being so close and yet so far away.

I looked over at the ranger in confusion. "What was it you were about to say in the dungeon about the three elven rings?"

Aragorn thought for a bit then nodded. "When the One Ring is worn, the wearer goes into a shadow world. It is said that when one wears all three elven rings, you enter the world of light.  While in this world, no black riders can follow the one Ring. Also-"

"Also what?" Frodo asked.

"Also- One can travel through space and time"

"So, then he could have the rings right now, he could have already had it while we were in the dungeon, he could have all of the rings and-" Frodo was getting upset.

"Clam down, No one knows for certain."

Frodo stood, "I need some air."

"We are outside, how much air do you need?"  Pippin asked.

"It depends, who else is taking up all of the air?" Gandalf said with a straight face.

Pippin said nothing, Merry looked down and smirked.

Before long, dinner was ready and we all gathered around and enjoyed the meal. Of course there was no laughing tonight. The glorious sunset was fading away fast. Legolas, who barely ate, stood and stared at the darkening sky.

Finally he looked at us and said, "The first star has appeared. We must hurry. Sam would you please start a large fire over there?" He pointed over to a higher piece of ground. I nodded and went to work.

"Frodo, would you help him? The fire must be large."

"Any thing you need us to do?" Aragorn asked.

Legolas smiled sadly, "Wrap the body in a sack."

The fire was quickly built and before long we all stood around it. Legolas explained that Silvian Elves have a special way of doing funerals. He then began the ceremony,

"The first star to appear" He said pointing toward the single bright star "Is to be called Tauriel, she shall shine brightly for all of eternity now, giving off light to all those who look toward her." Turning to Aragorn he said, "Please bring her here."

Aragorn left and returned quickly carrying Tauriel's body.

"When I say so, toss her into the fire."

"Toss?" Aragorn asked.

"It is the way we do it, we do not build the fire over the body."

We waited a few seconds while Legolas watched the sky, "Ok now"

As Tauriel's body hit the flames, millions of stars lighted the night sky. The sky had a purple tint to it as shimmering stars like diamond twinkled. We stood in awe mesmerized by the spectacular sight. Legolas continued,

"The stars greet her, welcome her. She is no longer on this earth. Only her love and memories stay with us." Turning to look at us he said, "This is usually the end but would anyone like to say goodbye?"

I stepped forward immediately and said, "She was more than a brave warrior, she was a good friend."

"A heart of pure gold, more valuable than those found in Erebor." Gimli shouted.

"Kinder and more gentle than a dove." Aragorn said.

"A wonderful cook." Merry and Pippin said at once.

"A worthy companion to have in times of trouble." Boromir added in.

"A star when all hope seems to vanish and evil compasses." Gandalf said.

"One I shall never forget." Frodo said.

The ceremony ended and we gave Legolas time alone. As I began to walk away I saw the elf look up, the firelight revealing tears in his eyes and he said, "Now she truly walks in starlight."


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