Part XII- Attack!

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The storm raged outside while we sat around inside the cave in misery.

"How is Tauriel doing?" I asked after a while.

The elf shook his head sadly. "She continues to breath."

We sat silently for a bit more until dear old Pippin exclaimed, "Let's have a game!"

"Hobbits have no seriousness about them, do they?" Boromir whispered to Gandalf.

I frowned at him, "Don't include me in that bunch."

"Pippin, this in not the time for fun and games. We are no longer in the Shire." Frodo scolded.

"Pip's right!" Merry defended. "Never a better time for a game than now."

"How about "Pass the song"? I start with a sentence and we each take a turn and add a line to the song."

We mumbled a bit. There wasn't much else to do so we agreed.

"Does it have to rhyme?" Merry asked

Pippin thought a bit then answered, "Nah, old Billy always makes us rhyme when we play it at the inn. It makes us think longer and takes all the fun out of it."

"I'll start then Merry, Sam, Frodo and on." Pippin said.

He cleared his throat and began,

"cooked over a warm fire""    

"Bubbled a hot stew with meat."  said Merry

"I sit close tending  to the meal."  said Sam

"I heard a knock upon the door"  Frodo added

"Friends traveled from afar"   Said Gimli

"In they walked and took up a chair"  Said Boromir

"We talked of old times, memories gone by"  Gandalf added

"Of friends and of foes we've known" Aragorn said

"A Lovely elf as fair as she could be." Legolas said with a far off look in his eye.

"See that was fun right?" Pippin smiled.

Tauriel moaned in her sleep and we all turned to look at her. Legolas took her hand and patted it.

"Everybody's a critic." Merry frowned.

A few minuets later the storm passed on and the sun shone through greeting us as old friends. Though our bodies were warmed our spirits stayed in the gloom of the storm.

We suddenly heard loud drips from inside the cave.

Gandalf looked around for the source of the drips.

"It's a cave, caves leak." Boromir assured.

"Perhaps."  Gandalf said eyeing the walls and celling suspiciously.

Legolas stood, "Something is amiss, I can feel it."

The drips became louder and fell faster. Aragorn reached for the hilt of his sword. Frodo looked to Sting.

"It is not glowing."

"Your blade does not give warning to all foul beasts." Gandalf said.

Suddenly the drips stopped and the silence was deafening. Merry and Pippin looked about anxiously.

"Let us head for the exit." Gandalf muttered to us. Legolas picked up Tauriel and we began to back away to the mouth of the cave. two sets of large spikes blocked the exit. One set fell down from above and the other set rose up from the bottom.

Darkness surrounded us and we heard crashing as if objects were falling from above. All around we saw sparks of light slithering around us as snakes.

Gandalf whispered to his staff and a white light shown out. Then we could see what looked to be oversized lizards with sparks of light running up and down their back. They held no weapon, only their teeth and claws. Gandalf waved his light at them and they hissed and stepped back in fear but then came at us again. The battle began!   

Legolas laid Tauriel down by the door and joined Aragorn, Gimli, Boromir and Gandalf in fighting off the beasts. Us hobbits stayed together, frozen in fear of the sight.

"Aragorn,  your leg!" I shouted.

The ranger looked to see on the monsters crawling up his leg. He took his sword and killed the thing, not hitting deep enough to harm his leg of course.

After a couple minuets the cave began to rumble and out of the darkness stood a large creature, much as the lizards, but larger and it had a razor sharp pair of horns. It stood there awhile looking on the battle. The creature's bright yellow eyes sweeped over the room  until it fell on Legolas who had his back to the monster. The thing carefully took out his bow, loaded it and aimed it at the elf.

The beast let the arrow fly and we heard a "thwack" and a body fell to the ground. Legolas turned around to see Tauriel laying at his feet with an arrow through her heart.

Legolas took two arrows and shot them into the horrid beast's eyes. The creature fell down dead and the spikes blocking the door began to leave.

"Hurry" Gandalf shouted!

We ran out, Legolas came lastly holding onto Tauriel. He knelt down and set her down on the ground. taking her hand and holding back tears he said,


Tauriel smiled and spoke a few words in Elvish. I never knew what it was she said; but it was enough to make Legolas Greenleaf cry.


I think the chapter said it all.


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