Part XI- They bite at night

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The following morning Frodo woke with a start. I looked over at my friend and asked what was the matter.

"A horrible dream. Bilbo turned into a terrible creature before my very eyes. I couldn't help him."

I moved next to Frodo and put a comforting arm around him. "It was only a dream, Mr. Frodo."

Frodo slowly shook his head, "Some dreams are too real. Dreams of black riders swopping down on us."

I had nothing in return to say so I laid back down and unintentionally dozed off again. I was awakened, in what seemed five minuets later, by Aragorn. I groggily sat up. I noticed Frodo still seemed shaken by his dream.

Gandalf noticed as well and  asked, "Is something bothering you Frodo?"

I answered for my friend and explained to Gandalf the dream he had.

The wizard nodded. "Dreams are curious things. Often meaning nothing, often meaning something."

"Dream or no dream. The sky has an ominous look to it. " Legolas stated as he gazed up at the sky.

Indeed the sky held dark, still clouds that seemed to be mocking us.

"We must press onward." Boromir urged.

I began to roll up the blankets when I noticed Tauriel still asleep. I thought this odd and peered over at her to see if she was okay. As I looked I saw the elf was deathly pale.

"Gandalf!" I shouted, not knowing what else to do.

Gandalf rushed over and looked at Tauriel. He bent over to feel her forehead with his hand.

"Strangely cool." He frowned.

"What is it?" Frodo asked as he came closer.

"Stay back until I know!"

Now hobbits can be curious folk. When told to stay back, Merry, Pippin and Frodo inched closer to see.

Meanwhile Gandalf was checking her pulse. "Slow-almost non-existent."

"What could it be?" I quietly asked.

Gandalf knelt down and began to crawl around the ground as if searching for something.

"What on Middle Earth are you doing?" Boromir called out as he came up to us.

Gandalf stood and said, "She slept over top an insect's home". He pointed to a small but visible mound close to where Tauriel lay.

Gimli wondered up to see what was going on. He took one look at Tauriel and rushed to her side. We watched in awe as he bent close to her head and pulled something  out from the left side of neck.  I watched as a blue worm like creature with spikes was gently pulled out from inside her  neck. As it came out a green ooze rose up from where the bug had been crawled up in a ball.

"What is that?" I asked in disgust.

"Nite Bitters" Gimli said as he dropped the bug to the ground then took his axe to it.

"They are known to live close by the Iron Hills, they are few but deadly. If felt threatened they come out of their hole in the ground (lol) in the late hours of night and eat their way through  the neck and head straight for the throat and lung. By  morning  the victim is left dead." Looking at Tauriel he finished, "She is a lucky one. I 'd say she was attacked but a few hours ago."

"She can get better, right?" Frodo asked.

Gimli frowned, "The poison is deadly. She is close to death."

"Perhaps not all hope is lost."

We turned to see Legolas standing close enough to have heard everything. He walked over to her and knelling beside her, began to inspect the wound.

"No Elvish words or magic can save her now." Gimli said sadly but firm.

"I can't just let her suffer and do nothing." He said with an edge to his voice.

"Maybe this will help." Aragorn said as he reached in his saddle bag and pulled out a handful of leaves.

"No guarantee this will save her, but it will ease the pain."

As Aragorn began to apply the leaves to the wound, Tauriel's hand moved  slightly.

"Look, she is alive!" Exclaimed Pippin.

Aragorn moved away as Legolas took her hand and said, "Tauriel, can you hear me?"

She slowly opened her eyes and winced in pain.

"She may need water." Gandalf said to nobody in particular.

Merry brought over her water canteen and handed it to Legolas, who gently lifted her head in his lap and let the water trickle into her mouth.

"Can you speak?" Gimli asked after the canteen was put away.

Tauriel opened her mouth and croaked out, "A little."

"Aye, good, good. Don't talk anymore. Rest a while.

Gandalf motioned Gimli over to discus something. I noticed Aragorn standing off to the side so I walked over to him.

"What do we do now?"

The ranger shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine. We can not go on with her sick like this."

"I suppose we shall stay here awhile, have some breakfast. Maybe food will help her." Boromir remarked.

"But Bilbo-" Frodo began.

"Shall have to wait, I'm sorry to say.  Tauriel is in condition to travel and we will not leave her." Gandalf spoke up.

With that said we all gathered around for breakfast. I pulled out some bread and a bit of jerky. We ate in silence; watching Legolas carefully feed Tauriel. It was plain watching everyone that we were all anxious to be moving on.

Tauriel suddenly tried to sit up

"No, don't move. Just rest." Legolas said.

"Keep going. Just leave me." She said in a hoarse voice

"We are a fellowship and a fellowship sticks together." Aragorn said.

"Fellowships break." She whispered then fell asleep from the pain.

Instantly that evil sky shared our grief and a cold rain began to pour down on us. 

"We must get her under cover!" Gandalf shouted.

Legolas lifted her up and we rushed to a nearby cave. Once inside we saw a flash of bright lightening followed by a burst  of thunder.

"This truly is an evil day." Legolas solemnly stated.

We agreed in silence and waited for the weather to clear or Tauriel to heal.


Sorry I haven't been updating this. Had a bit of writer's block (Just published a story on here about it by the way) Just so there is no confusion here, Tauriel is not dead, just in a comma like state of sorts. Let me know what you think!

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