Part XVIII- A Grand Return

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I woke up the next morning to the bright sun that beamed down on us, as if urging us to get going. I sat up and rubbed my eyes In an attempt to get the sleep out. I felt someone staring at me, so I looked for the source and was a little frightened when I saw Bilbo staring at me, no emotions played on his face. I thought he was looking past me so I turned and looked but there weren't nothing to see. I looked back at Bilbo. I felt a lot of pity for him, it still amazes me to this day, how something so small could change, even the best of a person evil.  I stayed where I was and remembered Aragorn's words, "Bilbo is still Bilbo, you just have to search for him."

"Hello Bilbo, did you sleep well?" I asked him.

He didn't say anything but kept staring. I tried once more.

"Are you hungry?"

I saw a faint spark of light in the old hobbit's eyes. I smiled. I looked around the camp and saw everyone was still asleep. "It's just Bilbo," I said to me self. I grabbed my bag and dug around the bottom, hoping to find something, even just a piece of old bread. My fingers felt something and I recognized it as a piece of dried fruit.

I looked at Bilbo and said, "Isn't much but we will be home soon."

He smiled eagerly at the food I held in my hand. I crawled over and as I held my hand out to give it to him he suddenly reached out and grabbed my arm with an sudden burst of strength. I was so surprised I only let out a gasp. He stood over me and started to dig through my pockets. He then looked at me with such hatred and frustration and I was certain this was the end of me.

When suddenly the point of a sword was put to under Bilbo's chin. Out of fear he let me go and I scrambled away. It was then I looked up to see Aragorn standing there, gripping the hilt of his sword. Bilbo turned his back on us and rocked back and forth. Whether he was mumbling or crying I couldn't tell.

"What did you hope to accomplish?" The ranger asked with an annoyed tone of voice as he put his weapon back.

"He was just hungry and he is still Bilbo. You said that yourself."

"True he is still Bilbo on the inside, but on the surface is an evil being who would kill with no second thoughts."

I looked down and said, "He was looking for the Ring."

Aragorn said nothing. He then patted me on the shoulder and walked off the wake the others.

I looked back at Bilbo to see he again sat there, staring off in space, as if nothing had happened. I gave a shudder as I thought of what could have happened if Aragorn had not stepped in. As the others awoke Gandalf said,

"As we are close to Rivendell we shall travel quicker and further today."

No one argued and we headed out. The journey was quick. Stopping a few miles before Galadriel' s home toward the afternoon.

"Are we to deliver the ring to her now?" Boromir asked.

Gandalf shook his head, "We shall wait until the council. "

"We gave Fundin the dwarf rings." Boromir challenged.

"Yes and do you believe he would have been any kinder to us if we had kept them back?" Gandalf replied.

Boromir had no answer to give. We rested only a few minuets, seeing as we were eager to be getting home. We again climbed on the ponies and rushed off.

We stopped in view of the home of Elrond.

"Rivendell!" Merry exclaimed.

Gimli smiled, "Never in all my days have I been so excited to see a place full of elves."

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