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First one up is heartwarming fluff!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!


     America pouted, this meeting (like all the others) was boring as heck. He sighed and looked down at the floor. America smiled remembering that he still had a couple more burgers, he saved for some reason. He completely forgot! He opened his backpack to reveal a slightly crushed McD's bag. He pulled a hamburger out and stared at it. Seeing the greasy sack of meat between two buns made him rethink about the comments he received about his eating style. England of course talked about his stupidity while the others wondered too about his weight. 

     America glanced at his stomach and thought  "Am I really fat?Does everyone think I'm s-" 

     America thoughts were interrupted by Germany's sudden call of the meetings end. America beamed "Finally I could go home! Play video games and eat burgers.......oh yeah" 

     His smile flicker to a frown for a moment. "Its okay I can still play video games, well I guess it is"  Everyone else had left already, and he was to caught up in his own thoughts. He shot up from his chair and hurried to collect his stuff. He was startled by a sudden door slam and turned around to see Russia smiling with the door locked. America face twisted into a annoyed glare. "What do you want you commie?" America said with venom in his voice. 

     "I worry about my Fredka" 

     "W-what do you mean, you weirdo" Anyone could tell that America was all around nervous. 

     Russia happy expression changed stern,"Something is wrong I know it." America regained his composer and replied "I'm fine, did you finally go full crazy" he laughed. But Russia knew it was fake and saw through his disguise. In one swift movement Russia grabbed America and pinned him to the wall. 

     "Yes there is something" Russia looked straight in America's eyes. America closed his as tears threatened to fall. "Why do you want to know" and gritted his teeth in anger. 

     "Because I actually care! I-" 

    "NO! You don't you betrayed before who says you care this time!" He interjected.

     "Because!......" Russia closed his lips fighting not to confess and faced away from him. America face had tears falling rapidly. 

     "Because why!?Tell me!" America was in rage.

     "Because I love you okay! I knew you hated me after the Cold War but I couldn't stop the feelings!" Both had tears on their faces. "Russia I-..You want to know what the problem is I'm stupid, fat, and annoying and I always will get picked on" Russia was speechless. 

     America slid to the floor and hugged his knees, burying his face into them. He sobbed loudly. Russia sighed and slid to the floor. "Fredka?" Didn't budge. "America come out" America popped out tears and all. 

     "Y-yes?" he said weakly. A sudden warmth engulfed him. Russia hugged him tightly, America buried his face into Russia's chest. "I won't let anyone touch you or hurt you, I love you."

     "I love you too"

     They both looked each other and found themselves leaning in till their lips crashed together. It was a slow and sweet kiss.

     They pulled apart and America smiled not the a fake one but a real one. They both got up and walked out of the building, hand in hand.


     Next day, America came in better than ever and sat next to Russia. He grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek. The whole conference room froze, and America laughed.

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