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Hello I am doing another request for AmericanPie1776. Hope you like! Spy AU! Kinda assassin AU too! I'm really sorry it's really short.


     My one goal mission to kill Ivan Braginski, he had been sticking his nose way to far into other people's business.

     It was supposed to be an easy one shot kill story, but my boss didn't tell me that. He wanted me to go in deep with this guy, disguise myself and earn his trust. I really wasn't planned for that, but I could do it. It would be easy, or I thought.


      The whole plan would take about a year, perfect. I would be roommate, easy enough. I moved in on Wednesday, just the right amount of time to get my act together.

     I approached the little building with suitcases in my hands and walked in. The whole building reminded me of a hotel rather than a apartment. Well whatever. 

     My room was on the 2nd floor and there were 5, I waited in the elevator with a big smile on my face. The doors opened and I made my way to my staying room. I stopped in front of Door 2L, I grabbed the key and opened the door.

     There he was, my target, Ivan Braginsky sitting all nice like at a little desk. 

     "Ah hello you must be my new roommate da? I am Ivan Braginsky" He asked me. 

    "Yeah dude I'm Alfred F Jones!" I said loudly. All he did was just nod, okay then you weirdo.

     "Your room is on the left door and mine is on the right" 

     "Okay sounds cool dude" I said, made my way to my room, and closed the door. I scanned it with a disgusted face, I already hate this place well get used to it me you have a job.


      It has been about 10 months and I am actually really liking being a roommate with Vany- I mean Ivan. I still know about my mission it used to not be a problem but now its getting harder on me. I really don't know what to do. I have a weird feeling about him I can't explain.

      It was currently Saturday meaning me and Ivan didn't have to work. Ivan was a part time librarian and I really didn't have a job I just got money from my boss. But I would just lie and say I was a comic book seller.

     I was just watching tv till my phone rang which was common, because it was usually just boss asking the progress. I grabbed it, went to my room, and closed the door. I answered it.

      "Hello boss whats deal this time" I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

      "Change of plans your killing him today" My eyes widened.

      "What?Why now!" I cringed a bit at the change of volume. "Sorry I'm just confused."

      "Well we're loosing a lot of assassins lately and we need you back and you already have enough info to kill him now"

     "I understand" and hung up. I fell back onto the bed and sighed. I heard a knock on my door and a caring voice called out "Are you ok Fredka?"

      "Yeah fine Vanya!" I replied a little too quickly and loudly. "Okay then" and heard footsteps walk away from the door.

     I slowly moved towards my closet and opened my hidden bag it had guns, knives, bombs, etc. I grabbed a slim knife and hid it in my pants.

     I walked out of the room with a big fake smile. Ivan was on the couch, looked at me and smiled. He patted a spot beside him, and I joined him on the couch. I turned my head from him, frowned, mumbled "I'm so sorry Vanya." I quickly and stealthy pinned Ivan to the couch knife against his neck. My hand shakily kept trying to pierce his neck but I gave up.

     "I can't kill you I love you too much" and dropped the knife. Ivan lifted up and hugged me, "Its okay Fredka I love you too"

      I hugged him tight and whispered in his ear "Let's run away together."  

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