I'm sorry

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This will be a request from RussiaSunflower! This story is going to make you cry. It just will, trust me. Also special appearance of Nurse Feliciana Vargas! P.s i'll also add a little something if you catch it. ;)

Ivan was devastated with news that he had just got from the doctor. It bounced around it his head repeatedly. "I'm so sorry Alfred has stage 4 cancer......"

Cancer, he had cancer. Alfred said he wasn't doing very well in the beginning. Ivan thought that it might have been his huge eating ability or how he was just being weird. Oh how wrong he was so so wrong.

He rushed to get to the hospital, but not before he got some gifts for Alfred. Meaning sneaking in some McDonald's for Alfred, and giving him some balloons. He arrived at the front desk where a nice lady with a ponytail and strange curl at the side of her head.

"Hello! I am-a nurse Feliciana Vargas, what-a can-a I help you-a with sir?" She asked in a very excited and polite voice.

"Do you know which room Alfred Jones is?" Ivan questioned a bit on the panic side.

"Si! Room 122" She pointed down the hallway.

"Ah, thank you." Ivan thanked the lady and quickly walked towards Alfred's room. Ivan stood in front of Alfred's hospital door, took a deep breath, and open it.

Alfred was laying on his bed, apparently pouted or being sad or something, because once he saw Ivan his face beamed with a smile.

"Hey Vanya, I missed you" and wrapped his arms for a hug. They stayed there for a while, just hugging and just them.

"I bought your favorite, sunflower." Ivan pulled out a bag of McD's.

"Thanks dude! But....." Alfred smile turned frown and latched onto Ivan as fresh tears fell down his face. Ivan immediately embraced Alfred and stroked his hair like he used to do when he got scared. Like that one time he got scared of the dark and Ivan comforted him when they were little.

"What is the matter, my little sunflower." Ivan whispered.

"I don't want to die, Ivan." Alfred's sobbing increased.

Ivan froze, he felt tears come to his eyes, but he had to stay strong for him. Ivan held Alfred closer and said "You're going to okay, Alfred. I'll protect you, I promise."

Alfred's head popped out from Ivan's embrace. "You promise" he sniffed and stuck out his pinkie finger. Ivan chuckled, but in reality it kinda sounded like a little whimper. They both hooked pinkies and smiled.

Alfred wiped his eyes and said "So I'm pretty let's split the meal."

"No, Fredka it's all yours."

Alfred gave him puppy eyes, "Please can we share?"

Ivan smiled and agreed to share.

The rest of the time, they chatted, hugged, kissed, acted as if everything was fine and that they were okay.

They chatted for a minute till a nurse knocked on the door and came in. "I'm sorry sir, but visiting hours are over."

"I understand but give me a couple more minutes."

The nurse smiled, nodded and walked out of the room, leaving them alone.

"Time to leave, I guess." Alfred said sadly turning away from Ivan. Ivan smiled and turned Alfred to face him, "I'll come straight tomorrow."

Ivan kissed his forehead, and went to leave till he felt a tug on his sleeve. He turned to Alfred, "Remembered you promised."

"I promise." and hugged Alfred one more time then left.


Turns out that Alfred died over night due to his lungs failing. Ivan had the same feeling he had when they told him that Alfred had cancer. But this was a worst feeling. Much, much worse.

Ivan went his funeral and stayed by his tombstone for awhile. Ivan read the tombstone,

Here lies Alfred Foster Jones

Beloved son, brother, and boyfriend.

July 4, 1996 - January 19, 2015

We all miss you

No missed Alfred as much as Ivan did. He didn't know what to do anymore.

But the worst was he broke his promise.

Tears ran rapidly down his face as his knees collapsed onto the floor. As the once nice day became sad, sorrowful, rainy day.

"I am so sorry Fredka, I broke our promise." He faintly said against the pounding of the rain.

"I'm sorry!" Ivan wanted to scream, cry, yell till his throat bleed. But he just kept repeating the same sentence, "I'm sorry."

He couldn't protect Alfred.

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