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Yeah thank you for the requests! I will be doing a request from New_England_Hearts. Hope you like!!!! Sorry if I did it wrong. It also have a lot of background ships, because just cause. Australia day is getting close so he is going to be in the story. Though I don't live in Australia, just saying. Australia is my waifu! XD But, It's kinda hard for accents. I'm sorry if I say mate a lot! There also may or not be just a bit of a twist to it, sorry but I had to improvise it.


     America was all for parties, I mean he is America. He always through the parties, or it was Prussia or Denmark but mostly it was him. He really wanted to have a party, this week because it was Australia's birthday was coming close! Of course he was going to invite everyone, why wouldn't he? 

     "Dude I'm so excited for the party, dude it's going to be awesome I promise!" America exclaimed excitedly.

     "I bet you will make it great, mate!" Australia smiled proudly. America smiled till his watch beeped. "Oh dang it! I forgot, got to go dude, see yah!" 

     America ran off while Australia went to go and chat with New Zealand. America had to make sure all the decorations, food, and etc. was going good. He was feeling so proud right now making sure everyone was happy was his all time goal for tonight. Everything had Australia flags on it, like everything. There was even a rug with the flag on it! He really wanted to make tonight awesome. 

     "Oi! America you called me to help now what do I do?" America turned around to see England, all grumpy looking(like always).  

     "Hey England! You can help make sure that the decorations are all on." America pointed at a box in a corner. England just rolled his eyes and walked over to do his duty. Hopefully everything would go right for the party. 


     The party was just about to be started everyone except Australia had come a bit earlier to surprise him. The door was opened from America's house to reveal Australia.

     "HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUSTRALIA!" Everyone shouted. Australia smiled brightly "Thanks a lot mates!" 

     That's when the party started, everyone was having an awesome time. Canada and Prussia were chatting, France kept trying to kiss England, and Germany just chilled out with Italy. America chatted with Lithuania for a while till he saw Russia in the corner of the room, and went over to talk to him. Russia smirked at America, "How are you doing, my little подсолнечник."  

     "You okay dude you seem-" America didn't finish his sentence till Hungary screamed "5 minutes in yaoi heaven- I mean regular heaven!" 

      Hungary went in a weird kidnapping spree grabbing people and throwing them in spare closets. Soon they both were thrown into a closets, the sudden force caused them to fall onto each other. America being the unlucky one on the bottom. 

        "I'm sorry Fredka" Russia apologized and extended his hand. America didn't know why, but his face was covered in a deep blush. "Thanks" and took the hand and was pulled up. 

      "You know Fredka it has been a fun party." Russia said. 

     "Really that's great dude I want everyone to have a good time!" America cheered and looked up into Russia's eyes. Russia leaned in and whispered "I know what would make it better." He said and leaned into America even more. Before their lips met,  America smelled a strong scent of vodka and gently pushed Russia away.

    "Have you been drinking? Is that why you're being weird?" America said concerned. 

     "Maybe what does it matter подсолнечник"

     "You won't even remember you're drunk and I don't think we should be doing this." After that sentence he was pushed against the wall of the closet, lips on his. America kissed back, they pulled apart. "I love you Amerika."

     "I do too but y-." The door opened to find Japan and Hungary with cameras. America rolled his eyes and pushed away from Russia. America needed some fresh air to think what just happen, and walked out the back door. 

     America sighed and pinched his nose "Russia's drunk he doesn't know what he is doing."

     "Who says I was truly drunk?"     

     America quickly turned around to see Russia smirking at him. "Yes you are Russia, right?"

     "Oh you are so cute Fredka it takes a lot to get me drunk." 

     "So you do mean what you said"


    "And you will remember this"


     "Then don't forget this, I love you"

      "Me too my  подсолнечник" and they hugged.

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