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So I'm doing a request for RussiaSunflower. Cat!America and more adorableness. Cuteness everywhere!!!!!! XD Warning: This story may be cheesy and contain puns

Just America's luck, he was cold and wet. Also now he was a cat, and this is all thanks to England. Apparently he was trying out his 'safety' spell and cast the wrong thing on him. England quickly tried to grab America but he didn't like it and ran away.  Of course it had to be raining outside and he forgot his keys to his house at England's house. He really didn't know what to do anymore, he was getting really scared. He was lost, cold, alone, he was everything that was not good. 

     He purred and curled up closer to himself. His ears perked up to hear footsteps getting closer to him, he meowed loudly to get their attention. Footsteps stopped in front of him and he looked up. The figure was really tall so he couldn't  see his face, suddenly America was overwhelmed by softness of fabric and was scooped up.  His body felt cold against the fabric of appeared to be a scarf, he was wrapped in. America greeted the warmness and took a catnap.

     America woke up in an unusual bed covered with a small blanket. The door creaked opened to see, Russia! Wait what Russia saved me! No no no not cool. America hissed at Russia than raced into the corner of the room. Russia stopped, smiled, than frowned. "Hate me already, I thought you could of been my friend. Oh well."

     He walked over to the corner of the room and placed a bowl of cat food in front of America. Russia got up and left the room. Russia is sad. I kinda feel bad now, heroes don't make people sad. America pushed away his food with his small fluffy paw and walked out of the room.

     Russia was sitting on soft, fuzzy couch and had what appeared to be Vodka in his hand. America shook his head, Russia and his Vodka.

     Russia turned his head to see Americat. "Oh privet, my little pet still hate me." America purred and jumped on the couch, sliding closer to Russia. Russia stroked America's face.  "You remind me of my dear Fredka, hates me one minute but acts like nothing happen the next." He's talking about me! Tell me more please! 

     America purred eagerly, sliding up closer to Russia as he continued petting America. "Fredka is something different, he is amazing." America listened eagerly to hear more. "Amerika and me aren't doing the best, and I love him to much for it." Wait WHAT!?!  Americat jumped up in surprise. Russia looked at the cat and smiled, "Didn't take me for the one to like Amerika." Yes! Wait no I didn't know you felt that way, I need to find England or something to get out of my cat body!!!!!

     Russia laughed softly, patted Americat on his head and walked in to the kitchen.

     No no no I need to get out of this body and concentrate, breath in and then. America decided if he yell like a Super Saiyan that would turn him back. To him he thought it was working, but to everyone else it sounded like a cat in pain. I mean he was a cat. After a couple seconds he realized it wasn't going to work. You have cat to be kitten me right now. HAHAHA puns. Not now how to get out of this cat body. 

      Nothing had appeared to be working and was running out of ideas. Oh no I'm going to be stuck as a cat and no one will know or care! 

     America waled out of sadness and fear of being a cat forever. Russia approached Americat and frowned, "What's the matter, my little домашнее животное."

     Russia picked up Americat and placed a kiss on top of his head. POOF! Back to normal. Russia almost dropped America in his arms. America smiled brightly, looked at himself, then at Russia. He grabbed the sides of his face and pulled their lips together. Russia was surprised by everything that was happening and happily kissed back. They pulled apart and America clung onto Russia giving him a big hug. 

     "...So you were a cat."

      "Yes, because of England's messed up spell." America answered.

     "Was this on purpose?"


     "And you heard everything I said."

     "Da and I love you Vanya!" America eskimo kissed Russia.

    "I love too my little sunflower."

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