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Hello! Here is a request from ZimVader0017. Hope you like!

Alfred gazed out the plane window beside him. He looked out to see fluffy white clouds and a bird or two. He sighed with boredom and sadness. He was currently on a plane making its way to Russia. He had recently got a promotion but it required him to work in Russia, which he didn't mind.

But it was a really long way from his friends and family. He rarely saw his family really anymore. His brother Matthew had gotten married, and his parents were always on business trips too. He thought to himself about his boring single life, he was all by himself and his brother was already married for crying out loud!

"This is going to be a long ride." He silently muttered and took out his favorite book. Shadows in smiles by I.B. He smiled brightly, favorite book written by his favorite author. He hugged the book to his chest, it would be so amazing to see the author.


The plane finally landed after what seemed like forever. He had stopped reading the book earlier and took a short nap. He breathed out as a relief to finally to be able to get out of the plane. He stretched out a bit in the lobby in the airport.

He was gently tapped on the shoulder, he turned around and saw a shy blonde girl. "A-Are you Alfred F. Jones?"

Alfred smiled brightly, "Why yes I am!"

The girl sighed out of relief, "Thank heavens I didn't ask the wrong person and-" She coughed and brushed himself off. "Sorry about that, my name is Anya I am here to drive you to the department to see the boss."

"Well, lead the way Anya!" She smiled and nodded leading the way.


They made their way there and Alfred talked to the boss. Alfred was suited into his own department office. He was in charge of the political section in the newspaper, he was very interested in it and when he was promoted he was ecstatic. So here he was, spinning in a chair trying to find topics to discuss in the paper.

After a couple of minutes of trying to think any ideas but getting none, his stomach growled. He ventured out to find Anya. She was at the front desk, slowly drinking what appeared to be coffee.

"Hey Anya!" She let a surprised cry, and quickly turned to look at Alfred.

"Alfred you can not just yell like that!" She whispered-yelled. Alfred looked at her like a kicked puppy. "Don't look- what is it Alfred?"

"I was hoping since I'm new here, do you know any good places to eat?" He beamed.

"Like cafes?" She questioned.

"Yeah!" Alfred exclaimed. Anya perked up and wrote something down on a piece of paper and passed it to him.

"Here is my personal favorite cafe, it's kinda small and it's quiet." She smiled. Alfred thanked her and raced out of the office building.


He looked at the address, it was really close. He could walk there, it would be nice to look at the Russia a bit.

He made his way and pushed the door open making a little jingle of the bells on the door.

A nice old pump lady greeted him in Russian. Alfred smiled and greeted her back and looked at the menu. There was so much good food, it was around lunch. He ordered a sandwich and with some warm tea.

He went to go sit down when in the corner of his eye, was beautiful young man who seemed to wear a big scarf and glasses which only complemented him more. Alfred was stunned. The man was really deep into his journal writing and occasionally taking slips of his tea.

Alfred was suddenly felt very drawn to talk to him. He slipped into the seat across from him. The man didn't look up.

Alfred spoke up, "So what are you writing about?"

The man looked up confused at first then stated, "Oh I'm writing the third book of a series I have made."


He laughed softly, " Sadly I highly doubt anyone reads my books anymore."

"What's the name of the first book?" Alfred asked curiously.

"Shadows in smiles." He said and scribbled some more stuff down.

Alfred's jaw dropped and he remained silence as his brain tried to comprehend what was happening.

"Wait a-are you I.B?" Alfred smiled so wide it was starting to hurt.

"Why yes I am, my name is Ivan Braginsky." He announced.

"Oh my gosh you're like my favorite writer in the world and um I've read the books more than 3 times!" Alfred hollered out of excitement, suprising Ivan a bit. Alfred blushed in embarrassment.

"Y-you read my books?" Ivan asked suprised.

"Oh course they're my favorite!" Alfred was still blushing, he was a total fanboy. "I also have some theories that could help the books." He added.

"Yes, sure." Ivan replied.

"So how would like to discuss it over dinner sometime? I'm kinda new here so you could show me around maybe?" Alfred got flustered, "O-of course if you d-don't want to that's f-fine and-"

" I would like that."

"Really!?" Alfred said excitedly. Ivan nodded. They both exchanged numbers and decided when it was going to be. Alfred waved and ran all the way back to the office like a lovesick schoolgirl.

"So how was the cafe?" Anya asked.


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