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Here I will be doing a request for CatcherOfStars. So anorexic!Alfred x Russia. Highschool au! Hope you like! Sorry if I did it wrong!

    Alfred made his way down to fourth period with Ivan. He liked this period not only because his best friend(and slight crush) was in it, it was art. Nobody really knew but Alfred had a really good artistic side to him, he always was fond of art.

    A boy knocked into Alfred knocking his books over and yelling, "Fattie!" and proceeded to laugh and walk away with his friends. Alfred sadly frowned, sighed, and picked up his books and continued to walk to class. I'm trying, I'm sorry.

     He made his way to his seat next to Ivan, and listened to his teacher. The teacher was a brown hair lady with a ponytail with some hair dangling from the sides of her face. She always had some paint smeared on her face from painting and was always smiling(*cough*NyotaliaItaly*cough*). Her name was Mrs. Vargas. Alfred liked to think of her like another mom to him.

     Today's assignment was to create a drawing of someone or something you love. Alfred blushed thinking about drawing Ivan wondering would that be super awkward to do. Ivan leaned over to Alfred and asked "What are you going to draw Fredka?"

     Alfred was caught off guard "U-um nothing... I-I mean I-I going t-to draw.................y-y--...... a Yo-Yo!"

     Ivan raised a an eyebrow at Alfred's fumbling statement. "A yo-yo?"

     "Yep!" If Alfred could disappear right now he would have done it. Ivan shrugged and continued to draw.


     Class ended and in the end, Alfred ended up with a blank paper. Alfred sighed as he walked to lunch. His stomach growled with hunger and threaten to upchuck his guts(if he had any left). He gulped down hard and made his way to the table.

      "Hello Fredka" Ivan greeted.

     "Hey dude." Alfred forced a smile and made his way up to get his lunch with Ivan. Today's lunch hamburgers and fries. Alfred's mouth drooled over the sight of the hamburger. He ate all of it up and his stomach growled for more. He knew his stomach was begging for food after he had been starving himself. He sighed, the only way for people to like me is to skinny remember that!
      He felt the familiar feeling of nausea as he thought about his weight. Ivan looked at him with worry filled eyes, "Fredka are you okay ?"

     Alfred pulled out a nervous smile and replied, "Yeah dude just gotta go for minute." He jumped out his chair and made his way to the boys restroom. 

    He ran over to the stall and threw up what ever stuff he had in his stomach. After a while it turned into a dry heaving and not having enough in his stomach it turned into a bloody mess. He gasped for breath and choked on his bile that burned in his throat.

     A creak emended from the boys restroom door. "Fredka? Are you ok?" It was clearly Ivan's voice. Alfred gasped and weakly said "Ye-" A another dry bloody spew was deliver from out of Alfred's mouth and he coughed unable find air. His throat burned and he passed right after he heard a audible loud gasp after the stall door had been opened.


    Alfred's eyes flutter open to see a white sheets on top of him and Ivan sleeping peacefully beside him. Not wanting to wake up Ivan he slowly lifted himself up. An IV was implanted in his arm and he was dressed in a hospital gown. His fingers grazed his neck to feel it bandaged with white gauze. His eyes widened at the sudden realization, Did Ivan get me here?

     Alfred eyes trailed over to Ivan sleeping peacefully beside him, he smiled as small tears cascaded down his cheeks. He brought his hand to brush strands of hair off of Ivan angelic face. The action caused Ivan to wake up, his eyes blinked a couple of times till they fixed them on Alfred.

    Alfred went to open his mouth to speak till Ivan interrupted him, "Don't speak you'll hurt yourself."

     Alfred could hear the plead and sadness in Ivan's voice that made his heart break. More tears cascaded down his face and Ivan pulled him into a gentle and caring hug. "Are you hurt?" he asked.

     Alfred shook his head in Ivan's chest. Alfred grabbed Ivan hand and turned his palm up and wrote with his fingers, W-H-Y. 

      Ivan sadly smiled, grabbed onto Alfred's hand, and intertwine their fingers. "Because I love you too much to lose you. You're amazing, handsome, and the best person in the world."

    Alfred nuzzled his head closer into Ivan's chest squeezing his hand and intertwining his other hand with Ivan's. They both laid down together till both of them fell asleep again.

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