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This story was requested by CatcherOfStars. Really reallly sad. Just going to warn you. I almost cried writing this. I made Alfred younger when it happened so right now he is like 19. Sorry if it is really short!


     Screams of children dying pleads, women crying, grown men yelling, all coming back to awful day. 9/11. He was scarred from that day. He couldn't do anything to save him, it was his fault. He and Matthew almost died that day too. He never expected it ever to happen. It haunts him forever, he could never forget it. He was only 16.

     "Matt! Matt!" Alfred yelled and coughed by through the smoke. His eyes and lungs burned from the lack of fresh oxygen. He was weakened from his breathing not working.  They had gotten lost by the first hit as they both went to leave.

     Alfred crawled through the rumble and called out for Matthew. A rough cough came in response and a faint voice, "A-Alfred."


"Wake up Alfred!"


       Alfred bolted awake, sweat and tears clung on to him. Ivan at his side holding onto him with concerned eyes. Alfred looked up at him then continued to sob intensely into his chest. He started to hiccup from crying, Ivan held onto him closer and rocked him a bit.

    Ivan already had known about the nightmares and had been the one to calm him down. He had known how much it traumatized him. He whispered softly to Alfred and gently petted his head.

     He hated to see Alfred like this at times. Alfred was the one who always had a smile on his face and would be the hero to cheer people up. But 9/11 had molded him differently, he would have to live knowing the experience he had gone through.

     "It's my fault." Alfred mumbled into Ivan's shirt, gripping onto his shirt tighter. Ivan petted Alfred head softly and held onto him.

     "It is not your fault, none of it was your fault my little подсолнечник." Ivan whispered. 

     "Yes it was." Alfred spoke more clearly. 

     "No it is not." Ivan replied.

     "Yes it is!" Alfred yelled out, surprising the both of them. 

      Alfred had pulled his face out of Ivan's chest, tears still wet on his face. "Yes it is, I couldn't do anything! I could have! Matt almost died cause of me and!........" He burst back into crying only not having any tears left to cry. He shook his head and covered his face with his hands.

     "Alfred!" Ivan yelled sternly catching Alfred's attention. He gently grabbed the sides of Alfred's face, "I love you, you have done nothing for that happen." 

     Alfred slid his hands on top of Ivan's and looked into Alfred's eyes. "I love you too Ivan." 

     They both joined for a blissful and beautiful kiss. They pulled apart and Alfred gave a heartfelt smile towards Ivan. "Thank you Ivan for all that you have done for me."

      They didn't say anymore words after that they just pulled each other into an warm embrace.

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