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Hello guys! I will be happy to accept requests! I decided to make a yandere rusame! Hope you like! Yandere!America.


America's eyes glisten in rage as he saw China talking to Russia. China was talking to his Russia. Russia was his snowflake, his marshmallow, his....................he was his. No one would take him from him.

He was gently tapped on the shoulder and turned to see a confused and concerned looking England. "America are you okay?"England asked sounding almost a little bit scared.

America hair shadowed his dark smile. "Yeah just fine, excuse me." He got up from his chair and proceeded to walk out of the meeting room. America walked silently, ignoring the calls of concern. He walked up to his office in a separate to others.

He laughed darkly and faint, as he approached his drawer at his desk. It was locked shut by a lock, he unlocked it, and swung the lock off. Throwing it to the floor. Inside was a shiny pistol and 2 butcher knifes. He never thought he would ever use them but this was the perfect time.

He scowled as he heard a knock on the door from Lithuania. "Coming!" America growled. He grabbed the pistol and knifes and his them in his coat.

He opened the door to see Lithuania. "Hello Mr. America everyone is worried are you coming back to the meeting?"

America laughed darkly, "Of course Lithuania-" he pulled out the knife and stabbed him directly in the back repeatedly. "As soon as everyone realizes that Russia is mine." Lithuania fell to the ground terrified and gasping for air. Dark blood stained the knife and he dropped it to the ground, he frowned as he looked at his dead victim. He dragged Lithuania into his office and locked the door.

He smirked as he made his way to the meeting room again. He peeked slightly in through the door, everyone was there except Russia, perfect I'll make it a surprise.

He kicked up the door with sheer force, almost breaking the door with his gun in his hand. "Well well well hey guys I'm here!" His eyes dulled.

England stood up and so did Germany, China, and Japan. "What are you doing America aru~" China spoke up.

America's eyes darkened when he turned towards China. He pulled the gun up, aiming towards China head. While China was petrified in fear as well as everyone, Germany yelled, "Stop vhat is the meaning of thiz!"

While still pointing the gun at China, he turned to look at Germany and smiled insanely. "To prove that no one will mess with my Russia again-" He turned back to China, "Isn't that right China?" He pulled the trigger and placed the bullet straight through his head. China fell back with a thud and blood dripped down from the bullet shot. Everyone's face was in shock except America. America laughed insanely and wildly as he aimed the gun at people shooting wildly.

    Already France, Japan, Germany and Italy had been shot dead. England cowered and ran to escape, but before he could even make a step a shiny sharp knife was by his throat. "America you're bloody insane!"

     "Wrong move." The knife slit his throat, blood splattered his hands and clothes. England's body fell to the floor and America started to laugh insanely again, his eyes dilated and dull. Bodies and corpses littered the floor with blood.
      The door creaked opened and a small voice was heard. "A-Amerika?"

      America turned around, dropped the knife and smiled. "Look Ivan! I did it just for you and me, now no one will bother us!" He got closer and closer to Russia. Russia slightly backed away from America. America was covered in blood, his smile was creepy and his eyes had little tiny heart pupils.

     America laid onto Russia chest hugging him and pulled away. "Now everyone will know that you are mine."

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