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Request from TeatheGerman. Yeah hey! I only made some changes to the request. Please don't hate me. Librarian!Russia and Flirty!America.. i guess. Plus human au and mature!prussia if that makes any sense! Enjoy!!!! Also shoutout to Livyliz14! Check out her stories!
It all started because of Matthew Willams, Alfred Freaking Jones's brother!
"Mattie I'm soo bored" Alfred complained as he laid on the floor. Matthew sighed and looked away from his book, "Alfred why don't you read something it-"

"But that is so boring it hurts my brain to much bro" Alfred interrupted. Matthew pouted and mumbled under his breath, "Reading is not boring." They both sat in silence for a minute and Matthew went to continue his book, till Alfred yelled out, "BORED!"

Matthew cringed and pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing once again. He mumbled stuff under his breath till he perked up with a smile.
"I know what we can do."
"What, dude?"
"How about we both go to the library! I can read and you can pick up your own book."
"Nooooooo! I don't want to go to the liberry." Alfred pouted.
"It's 'library' Alfred and if you don't want to go I can leave and go by myself." Matthew went to go and collect some of his stuff to leave.
"No! Don't leave me I'll come!" Alfred grabbed on to Matthew's pant leg. He just rolled his eyes,smiled, and motion him to come on. Alfred smiled brightly.

Using Mattie's car, they arrived at the library. Alfred jumped up and down, he wasn't really caring for the books he just wanted to explore. Matthew giggled softly, sometimes Alfred was such a child.

The library was pretty big, it had 3 floors! First floor was like nonfiction, second was like kid stuff, and the third was fiction and romance. Mattie was into "boring history books", Alfred liked to put it.
Matthew looked at Alfred with a look. The look of mothers would give their child before going somewhere important, it was the 'behave or so help me you will wish you were never born' type look.
"I will be by the nonfiction books okay, can you behave."
"You only go there because you think smarty pants is hot." Alfred whispered under his breath. Mattie had a crush on this one guy who hangs by the nonfiction section. He has white hair which is cool and he has glasses which makes him look super smart and mature.

"Alfred!" He yelled, blushing, causing some people to shh him.
Alfred rolled his eyes, "I will behave, mother."
Matthew sighed, "Ok good."
Alfred shrugged and went up to the third floor. It seemed pretty empty to him. He pulled our his phone and pouted his phone was almost dead, great. While being oblivious to his surroundings he ran straight into someone. They both fell onto the floor, the persons books scattered around them.
"Wow, I'm really sorry dude."
Alfred got up and looked at who he ran into. It was the most beautiful man in the world.His hair like a snow, everything about him was perfect. The man brushed himself off and shook his head.
"No its my fault, I'm sorry."
Russian that's new. He really cute and handso- wait!

"I'm sorry do you need help with those books?" Alfred offered.
"No I am good."
The man picked up his books, and continued what he was doing. Alfred! There is a very handsome dude in front of you do what you always do.

The man walked up to the shelf and sorted the books. Alfred walked casually up to him.

"Hey gorgeous."

"Excuse me." The man blinked in confusion.

"Kissing is a language of love, so how about a conversation." Alfred winked.

"You are interesting, but this library so we must be quiet." He answered and finished sorting the books and processed to walk away.

Alfred hurried to go in front of snow haired man. "No wait um...uh..", Alfred searched for a response. He quickly regained his composure. "You're so beautiful, you made me forget my pickup line."

The man covered his mouth to contain his giggles. Alfred smiled, "Its a good thing that I have my library card. Why? Because I'm checking you out."

The man laughed, Alfred was so amazed, it was so cute! Alfred's heart went Doki!Doki!

After the man recovered from his laughing fit, he smirked. "Okay, you got me." He grabbed a piece of paper and pen from the desk, wrote down his number, and passed it to Alfred.

"My name is Ivan."

"I'm Alfred, your future husband." He winked and smiled.

They stared at each other for a bit, smiling.

"Alfred come on let's go!"

Alfred and Ivan were knocked out of their trance. Alfred turned to see Matthew calling out to him.

"Oh got to go see yah Vanya." Alfred gave the phone signal with his hand, mouthed "Call me", and passed his phone number to Ivan.

Ivan giggled a little when Alfred left, he continued to do his work as a librarian, till his phone vibrated.

Hey snowflake, Meet me around 2, tomorrow at the park by the library. ; )

-Alfred F. Jones

p.s you're beautiful

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