Chapter eight

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I got my CI turned on an all I'm hearing is an annoying screeching. It's apparently 'my brain getting used to the sounds' which sucks.
Okay, I don't have a lot to say, so here's the new chapter! This is fluff! But you have to pay attention to the dialogue in here, because it's extremely important for the story. Anyways, enjoy!
QOTD: how was your Christmas?
I got an amazon gift card that I used to but a bunch of fandom necklace and now I'm going to be blinged out.
So open your eyes and see
The way our horizons meet
And all these lights will lead
Into the night with me
I know these scars will bleed
But both our hearts believe
All of these stars will guide us home
~Ed Sheeran (Augustus!!!!! *sobbing dramatically*)
Nico and Percy stood on the deck alone, their hands interlocked. It was peaceful, night falling and the stars coming out.
Nico stared at the stars, his brown eyes reflecting the light.
"The stars will guide us." Nico mumbled.
Percy glanced at him.
"It's just a story, my mamma used to tell Bianca and I." Nico sighed, his eyes never once moving from the stars.
Percy smiled softly.
"What was it?"
Nico's eyes finally landed on Percy, and he squeezed his hand.
"You know the saying, 'the hearth is the home' am I correct?"
Percy nodded.
"Well my mamma used to say if you don't have a fire, look to the stars. They will guide you home. And I just thought of that, seeing the stars. The stars are the final home for heroes, Hercules, Orion, Zoe, it's their home. It seems so peaceful, the same way the hearth is the home, the stars are the home. Because they're home to so many heroes of our legends."
Nico blinked, and went back to staring at the stars, his hand involuntarily squeezing Percy's.
Percy blinked. The way Nico spoke of the stars, the way he spoke of home, was spoken so softly. Nico normally didn't speak softly or with so much passion.
Percy looked at his boyfriend. Bathed in the starlight, he was like an angel, ironic, what with his last name, but it was true. He seemed to glow with an unearthly light, his brown eyes gleaming with the light of the stars. Nico's entire being seemed otherworldly to Percy, a being of beauty, of peace.
Nico closed his eyes, just basking in the quiet. Percy reached out, wondering if Nico was real. Nico opened his eyes, looking at Percy, who was looking back.
Percy, with a hesitancy Nico didn't even know Percy possessed, reached out, laying his hand on Nico's cheek. Nico leaned into the touch, his hands going up to encircle Percy's neck.
They stood there, under the starlight, holding each other for a few minutes, before Percy leaned down and captured Nico's lips. They kissed m, the starlight bathing them.
After a few minutes, Percy pulled away, his forehead still on Nico's, as he stared into Nico's chocolate eyes.
"The stars will guide us home." He whispered, the faint words almost inaudible.
Nico blinked slowly, looking up at Percy.
"Just as the hearth does."

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