Chapter fourteen

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IM BACK BITCHES!!! I'm sorry I've been a shitty author and haven't updated in a long time. I've been super busy lately, I'm failing algebra and have been going to after school tutoring as much as I can do I haven't had time to write much.
Has anyone been watching Shadowhunters, the TV adaption of the Mortal Instruments? Because I'm this close to screaming. They've ruined my favourite series... Why the hell is Alec marrying a girl? In the words of Magnus from the show, Alec is 'pro homo' not straight or bi. Completely homo. Why?
Second of all, what is up with all the dimensional travel, and Isabelle being arrested and Jace sobbing after he finds out he's clary' brother? I'm honestly so confused.
Third of all, Simon. I just... He's geeky, he makes terrible jokes, he doesn't want to live with the vampires at the hotel, and Camille never touched him when he was human. Why are they screwing Simon up. He never smashed his desk in half IN FRONT OF HIS FAMILY. He isn't this cool and collected dude after turning into a vamp. Raphael doesn't act like that either. And why is Maureen the same age as them? She's fucking thirteen if I remember correctly. And what is up with Simon shagging her and ditching her?
okay I'm done ranting about that stupid show ruining my series. I'm only still watching because they said the twelfth episode is called 'malec' and that's my OTP so I'm sticking around to see that. Okay, so there's only like two or three chapters left here so I'm just gonna say, turn back if you don't want to become a puddle of tears and pain. I have another book ready to be published that's not sad. It's not PJO but at least it won't rip your heart out. :)
If you had the choice, which would you choose? To live in a fictional world, or to live with your idol?
I honestly can't pick. I'd totally go for living in a fictional world but there's also the fact that I'd be able to be around one direction at all times sooooo...
Chapter time!
love means that you care for another persons happiness more than your own. No matter how painful the choices you face might be
~Dear John
Nico landed with a thud, the Parthanos weighing him down. He looked around to get his bearings. They were in a forest somewhere. He had been aiming for England, the easiest place to go from Europe to the US. He just hoped it hadn't been screwed up and they landed in some godforsaken place like that time he ended up in China when he was aiming for San Fransisco.
He unhooked himself from the Parthanos and sank to his knees, exhausted from the shadow travel. He wasn't used to going across continents and he hoped it wouldn't kill him but he didn't have high hopes. Not that he would have told Percy that. His boyfriend had enough to worry about on top of this. He wanted Percy to at least have a little less stress.
"Nico? Are you okay?" Reyna asked in a soft voice.
Nico nodded.
"Just really tired. Never shadow traveled this far."
Reyna frowned.
"You were serious, back at the ship. About this. How it could kill you."
Nico stared up at her.
Reyna almost sighed. For someone so young, his eyes held so much pain, suffering, and wisdom. Eyes that were too old for someone his age.
"Yeah. This isn't exactly a good idea for me."
Nico sighed and leaned back slightly, trying to get as much rest as possible before he shadow traveled again.
"Then why suggest it? Why take a risk as risky as this one? What happens if you do die? What am I supposed to say to Percy? That boy loves you, and you take a job that will likely kill you? I should make you-"
Nico cut her off.
"I know what I'm doing is risky. But Percy's fighting a war. Another war. He needs a load off his shoulders for once. He should have less stress placed on him. I may die, but I'd do it knowing Percy will win this war and be happy and stress free again."
Reyna glared at him.
"You think that boy would be happy knowing they won the war that caused your death? You think he'd be happy knowing you were one of the casualties? Are you stupid?"
Nico smiled painfully.
"Maybe. But I love him enough to save the world for him. It'll be painful. Hades, it's already a painful choice. I don't know what'll happen to me. But I'll end the war between the camps for him. One less thing for him to worry about."
"Even if you end up dead?"
Nico let out a breath.
"Even then."

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